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Iranians Seize 15 British Sailors

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Iran reportedly now has enough centrifuges to encriched uranium on an industrial scale. They say they have 3000 centrifuges, so that's about a year to enrich enough for a bomb or a few weeks for reactor-grade material.


They're (quoted from Iran's chief nuclear negotiator) also threatening to withdraw from the NPT if international pressure remains on the up.

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I must admit that all this allowing stories to be sold nonsense suggests that the Navy wants these people destroyed for how quickly and easily they gave in. Why allow them to meet journalists and profit it you don't want to see them totally discredited and disgraced in the eyes of the public.


It sounds more like the Ministry of Defence, which is usually fairly conservative about these things, has been encouraged by the Government to allow publication in an attempt to counter the propaganda value of the footage issued by the Iranians - by emphasising that the comments against British foreign policy were made under duress.


If so, it's a spectacularly stupid idea, not least because it insults the public's intelligence.

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It is amazing that tamelf thinks that 911 happened after the 23 of July 2002. Oh well that's the alternative media for you.

my mistake not the alternative media china. thank you for the correction. but your date is also correct for the downing street memos alternative media stuff i do agree simply because the mainstream media buryed it



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It is amazing that tamelf thinks that 911 happened after the 23 of July 2002. Oh well that's the alternative media for you.


my mistake not the alternative media china. thank you for the correction. but your date is also correct for the downing street memos alternative media stuff i do agree simply because the mainstream media buryed it



If you want the US government's reaction to 911 why not start with the memo Rumsfeld got a staffer to prepare at 2:40pm on September 11 - ie about 5 hours after the planes hit:





Resume Statement:


Best info fast

judge whether good enough

Hit S.H@ same time -

Not just UBL


Tasks Jim Haynes to talk w/ PW

for additional support v/v Usis &

connection w/ UBL


[REDACTED (N.R. stands for Not Relevant)]


- Hard to get a good case


- Need to move swiftly -


Near term target needs -

- go massive - sweep it all up

- Things related & not



Need to do so

to get anything



I assume people can work out who S.H. is? UBL is more usually OBL. The staffer clearly couldn't spell Osama.


But I just like Rumsfeld's normal understatement with the phrase - "go massive - sweep it all up. Things related and not." and how he thought this was the best way to "get anything useful" out of that tragic day.


I've never tried to see how the conspiracy nutters try to fit this little gem into their twisted world - homework for you tamelf.

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I must admit that all this allowing stories to be sold nonsense suggests that the Navy wants these people destroyed for how quickly and easily they gave in. Why allow them to meet journalists and profit it you don't want to see them totally discredited and disgraced in the eyes of the public.


It sounds more like the Ministry of Defence, which is usually fairly conservative about these things, has been encouraged by the Government to allow publication in an attempt to counter the propaganda value of the footage issued by the Iranians - by emphasising that the comments against British foreign policy were made under duress.


If so, it's a spectacularly stupid idea, not least because it insults the public's intelligence.

Wrong. It only insults those who are thick enough to believe what you have posted.....


I mean, do you really think they were taken for a particular reason other than propaganda?

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Whilst appreciating that many of the howls of outrage about it emanate from media sources who weren't given the opportunity to buy the stories, I do think it's unfortunate that it was done this way.

Yes, the people concerned should have been allowed to tell their stories - if only to counter the propaganda from the Iran government - but the word is tell, not sell.

They have been through a very unpleasant experience, but I'd suggest that it isn't any more unpleasant than the things being experienced, on a daily basis, by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. They do their jobs to the best of their ability (sometimes without the support that they ought to be entitled to from their own government) and I don't hear many of them shouting that they ought to be allowed a special payday by selling their stories.

If the newspapers concerned had simply been required to make a substantial donation to the some of the services charities - so that it would help to benefit more than the individuals involved - I think it would have been more appropriate and less open to criticism.

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If the newspapers concerned had simply been required to make a substantial donation to the some of the services charities - so that it would help to benefit more than the individuals involved - I think it would have been more appropriate and less open to criticism.

I believe that was actually part of the deal.


However, let me add a little pragmatism here. The MOD changes tack and issues an edict - no selling stories to the gutter press led by that pillar of self-serving garbage known as The Daily Rail. The planks are on £30K or less. They are offered 4x that to tell all. So they leave the service and cash in. It's not exactly rocket science is it?


When the MOD gives permission it is with the understanding that they control what is released. Official Secrets and all that stuff. So from the MOD's perspective it is far better for them to control the inevitable.


Dear me, are you lot really that blinkered?

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Wrong. It only insults those who are thick enough to believe what you have posted.....


I mean, do you really think they were taken for a particular reason other than propaganda?


That you could find anything in my post that suggests they were imprisoned for any reason other than the propaganda value is inexplicable - are you struggling with English as a foreign language, or are you just as big a retard as you consistently make yourself appear? Of course they were taken for propaganda reasons. I'm simply saying that I believe that the initial reason for the MoD's approval of those caught selling their stories was probably to counter the propaganda value of the letters they were forced to write and the statements they were forced to make regarding UK/US foreign policy, by emphasising that it was made under duress. That's how it is an insult to the public's intelligence, by assuming that the public are too stupid to realise that the whole situation was a propaganda scheme on the part of the Iranian Government.

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That's how it is an insult to the public's intelligence, by assuming that the public are too stupid to realise that the whole situation was a propaganda scheme on the part of the Iranian Government.

Oh yeah????????? Posts from tameelf etc would tend to indicate that you're wrong - again.


Incidentally, by all means pull me up on my use of English. I won't use any computerised aids because I think that it doesn't actually matter how clever you are (that's how clever you are, not how clever you think you are) unless you can express yourself in a clear and concise manner then those reading it are just going to doze offfffff zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

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Oh yeah????????? Posts from tameelf etc would tend to indicate that you're wrong - again.

Yes, because tameelf really is representative of public opinion. That must be why whenever he posts on here he's met only by complete aggreement.


Incidentally, by all means pull me up on my use of English.

Aw! I'm not making a petty remark regarding your use of English, I'm remarking on your truly awe inspiring ability to misunderstand virtually every post you read and reply to. This was made explicit in my post by the very first part of the sentence, so in a way you've demonstrated my point far better than I ever could. Well done, and thanks!


I won't use any computerised aids because I think that it doesn't actually matter how clever you are (that's how clever you are, not how clever you think you are) unless you can express yourself in a clear and concise manner

Which you admirably adhere to, for you manage to so succinctly and clearly express yourself as an asinine, sour faced beligerant . Consider my hat well and truly doffed in admiration.

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Oh yeah????????? Posts from tameelf etc would tend to indicate that you're wrong - again.

Yes, because tameelf really is representative of public opinion. That must be why whenever he posts on here he's met only by complete aggreement.


Incidentally, by all means pull me up on my use of English.

Aw! I'm not making a petty remark regarding your use of English, I'm remarking on your truly awe inspiring ability to misunderstand virtually every post you read and reply to. This was made explicit in my post by the very first part of the sentence, so in a way you've demonstrated my point far better than I ever could. Well done, and thanks!


I won't use any computerised aids because I think that it doesn't actually matter how clever you are (that's how clever you are, not how clever you think you are) unless you can express yourself in a clear and concise manner

Which you admirably adhere to, for you manage to so succinctly and clearly express yourself as an asinine, sour faced beligerant . Consider my hat well and truly doffed in admiration.

Are you being sarcastic that tameelf is NOT representative of public opinion? Because tameelf COULD be representative of public opinion you know. It's not an assumption that I would ever make. tameelf is male as well? I didn't know that but then I haven't bothered to look at the profile because I think that what folks post is far more important than their gender and I don't want to typecast anyone.


Having said that I just did look at the profile and it's down as male. Also one of the recent visitors was one VinnieK! Well, just fancy that....


So you admire my English and the way I know how to spell words like "agreement" and "belligerent" and the way I correctly use hyphens in adjectives like "awe-inspiring"? I have to say it's very flattering but these are words that really are very easy to get right. Errrr, wait a minute......


Sorry to go back on topic for a bit but it gave me a good laugh when a lot of alleged "newspapers" reported how Sir Richard Dannatt, head of the Army, had ordered that the planks were NOT to speak to the press. Whoops, this lot are all in the Navy. Never mind, better luck next time....

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tameelf is male as well? I didn't know that but then I haven't bothered to look at the profile because I think that what folks post is far more important than their gender and I don't want to typecast anyone.


That's right, I was actually deliberately trying to typecast Tameelf as a male as part of my sinister plan, which hinges around an inherently sexist prejudice. You're grasping P.K. Is it that you've been doing this long that you've run out of good trolling ideas, or have you always been a half-wit?


Having said that I just did look at the profile and it's down as male. Also one of the recent visitors was one VinnieK! Well, just fancy that....


The point being? Oh my, I'm guilty of curiosity!


So you admire my English and the way I know how to spell words like "agreement" and "belligerent" and the way I correctly use hyphens in adjectives like "awe-inspiring"? I have to say it's very flattering but these are words that really are very easy to get right. Errrr, wait a minute......


And there it is: P.K's famous hypocrisy. Ready to leap, with wet pants and a trembling bottom lip, to his own defence when he thinks someone's criticising his use of English (which, as has already been established, was incorrect), full of righteous indignation and bluster, only to then to do exactly what he's just (erroneously) berated someone for. I admit, it's nice to see a variation on your usual sob story about being picked on by someone as soon as they stand up to you, but generally the whole act is getting seriously old.


Sorry to go back on topic for a bit but it gave me a good laugh when a lot of alleged "newspapers" reported how Sir Richard Dannatt, head of the Army, had ordered that the planks were NOT to speak to the press. Whoops, this lot are all in the Navy. Never mind, better luck next time....


Which newspapers? Of the newspapers I've read, the only ones he's even mentioned in are the Guardian and the Independent, the former reports his opinion as a senior member of the military in general, and the latter mentions him in order to compare the stance of the army and navy on the general issue of stories being sold to the press.

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One of VinnieK's least boring posts, not that it's saying much. Your feeble attempts to belittle me with your "wet pants and a trembling bottom lip" are about as rediculous as your "righteous indignation" for which I would personally have used the word "nemesis" but then, probably just like you, I can't actually blame my education which was foisted on me.


The "sob story" bit really did make me laugh. Thanks for the grin. By the way, when you have anything interesting to post be sure to let me know, thanks.


Having posted that I have to admire anyone who comes from Norwich (hey, give me six!) that also talks about standing on a mountain - like they would know. Ha!

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