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Webcam Suicide

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'A Loving Family Man'

Updated: 16:46, Friday March 23, 2007


The ex-wife of a man who filmed himself on a webcam committing suicide has praised him as a "loving father and family man".


The woman, who did not want to be named, said of Kevin Whitrick: "He was always the life and soul of the party, an extremely considerate and kind person and loved by many.


"He will be so sadly missed by us all.


"Unfortunately Kevin had a very serious car accident in July 2006 and had never fully recovered back to full health."


The body of the 42-year-old victim was found in Telford, Shropshire, after another internet user dialled 999.


Police were called to his home on Wednesday evening, but were unable to resuscitate him.


A post mortem confirmed cause of death as hanging. An inquest into his death will open on Monday.


Detective Chief Inspector Jon Groves who is leading the investigation said: "Mr Whitrick was using a chat room with a number of other people at the time of his death.


"We are liaising with the internet service provider to contact other users who were online at the time of this incident and who may have information.


"We are continuing to treat this death as unexplained.


"We are also working to ensure that witness support facilities are available to those who may have been affected by what they saw."


Mr Whitrick was father to twins, a boy and girl aged 12.




Terrible eh? The picture of the event is pretty shocking.

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I've seen it too, although I didn't go looking for it, someone linked it to me in irc. Sometimes you dont have any control over what other people send you, or what you find at the end of blind links. It happens.

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I have to say that if people are sad / stupid enough to do this stuff then let them get on with it. Struck me that's it is unbelievably insensitive of someone to leave behind a full clip of it - worse I bet his kids have already seen a picture of their own father topping himself on the internet. What sort of arsehole does that? Guaranteed to leave your kids scarred forever!


The internet just offers people like this an opportunity to receive the attention they never thought they got in real life.


A very selfish man.

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And on the selfish bit, an ex-colleague attempted suicide by an overdose, at home, on a monday after her husband and daughter had left for work and school respectively. She didn't succeed, but who found her (and would have found her dead if she had succeeded)? Yep, it was her daughter, who was about 14 or 15 at the time. Nice.

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