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Serious Accidents


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The Kirk Michael biker passed my at Handley's and I came across the accident just a couple of minutes later. It was obvious that the bike had ploughed straight into the dise of the 4x4. Within the very short time befoe I got there the bike had been moved over to the side of the road, the biker was lying on his back at the side of the road with a bloke talking to him, and the glass and debris were being swept up. No police nor ambulance had arrived. We got through and continued our journey. I must admit I was pretty shaken up. The pictures of the wrecked bike and 4x4 on the first page do not do justice to the seriousness of the accident. I am not surprised they closed the roads. The biker is very lucky to be alive!

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I guess yesterday was a very tempting day for local bikers - the first really beautiful one for a long time. I'm sure there were many whose bikes had been more or less under wraps - or just used for commuting - until the sun came out and they felt the urge to have a bit of a blast around the course. Certainly, there were far more bikes on the Ramsey-Douglas coast road yesterday and, generally speaking, they were travelling much faster than usual.

I've no objection to them hitting it where it's safe - where there's a chance to see what's ahead and what's coming the other way - but some of them were getting carried away and taking unnecessary chances. They're only a minority, but they get bikers a bad name. Please, folks, ride fast but ride safe.

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just my personal thoughts on this but I did a couple of rides on saturday and sunday and in the space of a couple of miles, I had 3 vehicles pull out on me around the Kirk Michael area.


Luckily, I was not going b**** out so I managed to slow down sufficiently enough without coming to grief as the unfortunate chap that this thread relates to. Nevertheless, judging by the expletives yelled at me (easy to lip read when the words begin with f or W!), it appears that people who pull out tend to blame others but themselves. As I said, I was observing the speed limits, was correctly positioned in the road, had my lights on yet it seems to me that some motorists seem to think they are driving in France or Germany as they always seem to look left when pulling out into the road!


I think everyone, bikers and car drivers alike (and even pedestrians) should become more aware of each others presence on the road. One injury or fatality through not looking the right way when pulling onto a road or not paying attention when entering an area known to contain a lot of drive ways is one too many.


ANd as for there being a lot of bikes out over the weekend, yes there were and unfortunately, I ahve to admit a lot were being ridden rather foolishly and some were being done so by bikes with R plates attached!

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I guess yesterday was a very tempting day for local bikers - the first really beautiful one for a long time. I'm sure there were many whose bikes had been more or less under wraps - or just used for commuting - until the sun came out and they felt the urge to have a bit of a blast around the course. Certainly, there were far more bikes on the Ramsey-Douglas coast road yesterday and, generally speaking, they were travelling much faster than usual.

I've no objection to them hitting it where it's safe - where there's a chance to see what's ahead and what's coming the other way - but some of them were getting carried away and taking unnecessary chances. They're only a minority, but they get bikers a bad name. Please, folks, ride fast but ride safe.


I've got to respond to this one. I was following a bike along the KM road yesterday and I have to admit if it hadn't been for the skill and foresight of the rider the police would have been dealing with 2 accidents on that stretch of road. We were approaching the barregarrow crossroads when a car coming from KM indicating right suddenly started to pull across the road, I guess the guy had 20 yards tops to sort things out, he'd no where to go due to other cars on the junction andhe managed to point his bike across the front of the car narrowly avoiding the front of the car and the church wall. Amazingly after clipping the front of the car he got through the narrowing gap with the car continuing on its way oblivious to the incident. All I could do was jump on the brakes and I managed to pull up 1 or 2 feet short of the car but the car just kept going on its way.


I decided it was best to check the rider who was stopped a few hundred yards away, shaking profusely. I apologised for not getting the car reg, but was glad he was OK, went on my way only to be turned around because of the other accident. This guy was not taking chances and was driving swiftly but safely, had it not been for his ability I'm certain we would have been looking at a fatality. If you read this, I hope someone got the car reg for you so that you can report the incident.

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Firstly and most importantly, I hope this rider is ok and makes a quick recovery.


I'm not going to make any judgements about fault as I wasn't there but looking at the picture of his bike I doubt if this was a 30 mph impact. If the 4x4 reversed out , then you would be right cheeky boy. However, were you there to see it reverse out? If not....


We have all witnessed loony antics of some bikers and crap driving of some car drivers and its all too easy to generalise and make assumptions. The police are trained to find the truth and usually do. I had a serious accident at Kate's one TT about 25 years ago when I was hit near head on by another bike at night. I and my pillion were seriously injured but the other rider was unhurt. In the investigation afterwards, the rider alleged all manner of things like "he was on the wrong side of the road/ going so fast I couldn't avoid him/riding without lights" etc etc. The police did a very thorough and fair investigation and he was eventually convicted of dangerous driving.


So what then? Let the excellent traffic police do their job and resist the temptation to have an opinion as to whose fault it was. Perhaps I shouldn't even have an opinion about the speed involved but....


"Get well soon fellow biker."

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There were plenty of yellow chalk marks on the Castletown Road when it re-opened this afternoon. I am assuming that the police would prefer cars not to be whizzing by while they mark the road. Seems kind of sensible to me.


Just a note to say that the red 4x4 was not reversing out of their driveway. They checked there was nothing coming and pulled out forwards. The bike came flying round the corner and hit the rear end of the 4 x 4.


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What happened on the Castletown road on Sunday was that the chap that was knocked down had just got of the Bus, a car stopped to allow him to cross the road but the bike rider never noticed and passed the car resulting in the accident. The chap underwent a 6 hour operation on Sunday night in a bid to save his leg, all seem sto be going well and he has been moved from ITU into a normal ward.

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