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Iom Newspapers - Get £2 Million Of Our Cash

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....... A simple example - road closure information could be kept completely up to date on an interactive map: that way I can see at a glance when they affect the areas I'm likely to be driving, rather than reading about road closures in Foxdale, which I couldn't care less about.


That'll be this one then Roadwatch

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It would be cheaper if they sent out to every household a weekly supplement showing all the government notices and jobs, get the post office to put it throught the doors and the money goes back to the government ;)


I was about to agree that an "Isle of Man Gazette" could be a good idea, but other threads about the Manx economy have made me reconsider.

What would be the effect of removing Government advertising from the local papers? The collapse of the local press and the loss of many local jobs? Possibly.

The Govt could, of course, contract with the local presses (are local newspapers produced locally?) to print the Gazette, but this seems to be duplication of effort.

The cost to the Govt of setting up its own presses and employing people to run them would probably exceed the cost of their current advertising in established newspapers.

As usual there are more complicated considerations than "I want it cheap!"

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The post office can handle the printing side of it no probs, as for jobs if you cannot make a profit without government hand outs then it really isnt a business ?

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But they are not Government handouts are they? Government pays for a service, which it has to use by law.


By the way, part of the fee for the many company dissolutions you see covers the cost of publishing the necessary notices in the press. Probably the same for the property and other public notices, such as planning etc., which really only leaves the purely government notices and job adverts.

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Gladys they get a cheque from the government for all government adverts ?


I know some notices are paid for i.e planning from the people who apply for planning but as you say £600.000 for jobs and a few other bits is a bit much

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Yes, Roger, but that is not a Government handout, it is a fee paid for a service. Just as payment to whoever supplies their stationery, tea, coffee, petrol, vehicles, etc. etc. is not a handout it is something they have bought in.


I would be very interested to find out just how much of the £2,000,000 is not funded through the fees for the various procedures that have to be advertised as opposed to how much relates directly to solely Govenrment business and so is not recoverable from any third party.

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Roger, I see you deleted the reference to me having come down in the last shower, but a large proportion of the 'Government' notices are actually notices paid for by someone else (a point you may have missed in the shower you descended in). Yes, £600,000 does seem a bit steep for job adverts, but is that correct? Does it amount to a handout? How much is the annual spend for some of the recruitment agencies over here who often have at least half page spreads every week?

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Good point there Gladys but i would like to know why the government have to by law publish in the local rag ?


If it was published and sent out to every household in the land on a weekly basis there would be no need to use the local press.


I just think that if you can save the tax payer money and simplify things then why not.


After all the money saved could be used for a fact finding mission to some sunny climate :lol:


sorry about the last shower thing i was half asleep at the time and didnt read you post right.


typical man that i am not reading first before going off on one lol sorry :lol:

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The post office can handle the printing side of it no probs, as for jobs if you cannot make a profit without government hand outs then it really isnt a business ?

Well... yes... but that's a bit simplistic. If Govt support is not available to certain businesses then the business would fold. You might say that is only right. But then you've got unemployed people on the books who will need to be supported financially. DHSS spends £400 million a year already.

Large scale unemployment, because the Govt won't support borderline businesses, isn't the best strategy as far as I can see. There's an argument that the social effects of unemployment are far more destructive than the general cost of support to business.

I must take a pill, I think I'm becoming a socialist.

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O yes i have just decided to start a company that digs holes for government to put money in, do you think it will catch on or has someone beat me to it :unsure:

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Good point there Gladys but i would like to know why the government have to by law publish in the local rag ?


If it was published and sent out to every household in the land on a weekly basis there would be no need to use the local press.


I just think that if you can save the tax payer money and simplify things then why not.


After all the money saved could be used for a fact finding mission to some sunny climate :lol:


sorry about the last shower thing i was half asleep at the time and didnt read you post right.


typical man that i am not reading first before going off on one lol sorry :lol:

Its just the law of the land that certain things have to be given public notification (once given public notice, the public cannot deny knowledge of the outcome of the process that is being advertised, it is also the reason we have the many registries - repositories of information available to the public, and also one of the reasons that divorces were advertised, often with the husband disclaiming any responsibility for the wife's debts).


But these will relate to someone wanting to do something (planning, road closure, company dissolution, property transaction etc) and the cost will be in the fee that they have paid Government. (Happens in England too where many things have to be advertised in the London Gazette and also in a local newspaper). So to count that in to the Government spend distorts the actual Government generated spend.


Being a fan of your Profanisaurus, I fully accept your reasons for going off on one and accept your apology! ;)

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Just read this on the Manx Radio website;


This is an awful lot of taxpayers (our) money that has been paid to Johnson Press...


"The Manx government paid Isle of Man newspapers a total over £2 million for advertisements in the company's publications, in the last three financial years.

In a written reply to a Tynwald question, Chief Minister Tony Brown reveals the annual figures were £703,000; £665,000; and £685.000 for 2005/6.


The sums relate to all governmental and departmental announcements, including job vacancies, road closures and other public notices.


The question came from East Douglas MHK Phil Braidwood"


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Why are they using three papers? As they are all owned by the same company, there seems no necessity, fairness-wise, to triplicate notices, surely?


Why not just advertise in the Courier?

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....... A simple example - road closure information could be kept completely up to date on an interactive map: that way I can see at a glance when they affect the areas I'm likely to be driving, rather than reading about road closures in Foxdale, which I couldn't care less about.


That'll be this one then Roadwatch


Sweet... so why do they still publish the same stuff in the papers at vast expense?


Publishing all government notices online in such an accessible format would not only save cost but also trees. I could even conceive of them using 'push technologies' - people subscribing to receive information about planning notices affecting areas within x miles of their home, road closures affecting specified routes etc rather than wading through acres of text to get to the bits that interest them.


Save trees... use velum :D

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