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Iom Newspapers - Get £2 Million Of Our Cash

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Also, I would suggest that statistics about internet usage in the UK as a whole are not necessarily representative of the Isle of Man. Being a relatively small and affluent country, we should in theory be more agile in getting everyone online than a behemoth like the UK. Let's not live up to the stereotype that we're always 20 years behind them... although my haircut would disagree :lol:

According to the 2001 census (page 80) - only 50% of residents in households have access to the Internet at home (40% of households).


Also see 'Digital Divide Review - Isle of Man Government' which says "The 2001 Census identified that 40.8% of households on the Island and 50% of residents on the Island had access to the Internet. The numbers will have gone up since then. In comparison UK Online’s Annual Report for 2002 indicated that 45% of UK households are on-line and 47% of adults are regular Internet users. There is probably not much to choose between the two jurisdictions."


Clearly we have a long way to go, and I suspect the cost to address it will be many times higher than the advertising costs in newspapers. I agree of course that we need to address much of it, but that we also have to be realistic. And, as we start to address it, we'll surely find that the last 20-30% of people will cost 80% of the costs of addressing it - so it won't get addressed - and the government will rely on natural evolution and the market.


Interestingly, figures for access are not mentioned in the 2006 census report, and I can't seem to find any more up-to-date figures on the gov website. I'll have to have a further dig for the info.

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Not another conspiracy theorist nutjob - don't we have enough of those already?


Take a good look at a local newspaper sometime, try and work out the percentage of adverts paid for by businesses compared to those paid for by the government.



You consider that the government undergoes thorough scrutiny from IOM Newstraitors then?


Probably, I sniff yet another comeover (immigrant).


Aha - all is clear now.


I feel for you.





What's the bet this post is "moderated"?


Whatever put it this way, yes it's true I, plus many, many others, don't much care for comeovers, to us you are every bit as much immigrants, with as much idea about our island, as the Poles, Filipinos currently getting a bit of flak. There's no need to pity me, I'm eternally grateful I'm true Manx, not English pretend Manx, like the majority here. Whatever happened to that loony Zionist Rog? Is he dead yet? Fingers crossed. I was listening to some moron presenter on Energy FM, the bloke with the Brummie accent. He was going on about the English National Football or Cricket side and talking about "us". Us?? Englishness is not us, in fact in sport, or politics, I support any team, country, opposing the English.


Anyway back to IOM Newspapers, yes it's true there are lots of other advertisers however how many of them spend as much as the Government? It's my bet that the government is the biggest contributor to the Johnson Press income on the Island. To say that Manx Newspapers are little more than a Government PR agency is not a conspiracy theory soft lad, it's pragmatic and realism. Still what more can you expect from a comeover calling himself Mission? Hahahahahahahahahahaha


No doubt this will disappear, a pity but it sums up the forum. Change the name boys, Manx Forums is not really accurate, "Comevoers Corner" seems far more appropriate.

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Also, I would suggest that statistics about internet usage in the UK as a whole are not necessarily representative of the Isle of Man. Being a relatively small and affluent country, we should in theory be more agile in getting everyone online than a behemoth like the UK. Let's not live up to the stereotype that we're always 20 years behind them... although my haircut would disagree :lol:

According to the 2001 census (page 80) - only 50% of residents in households have access to the Internet at home (40% of households).


Also see 'Digital Divide Review - Isle of Man Government' which says "The 2001 Census identified that 40.8% of households on the Island and 50% of residents on the Island had access to the Internet. The numbers will have gone up since then. In comparison UK Online’s Annual Report for 2002 indicated that 45% of UK households are on-line and 47% of adults are regular Internet users. There is probably not much to choose between the two jurisdictions."


Clearly we have a long way to go, and I suspect the cost to address it will be many times higher than the advertising costs in newspapers. I agree of course that we need to address much of it, but that we also have to be realistic. And, as we start to address it, we'll surely find that the last 20-30% of people will cost 80% of the costs of addressing it - so it won't get addressed - and the government will rely on natural evolution and the market.


Interestingly, figures for access are not mentioned in the 2006 census report, and I can't seem to find any more up-to-date figures on the gov website. I'll have to have a further dig for the info.


Thanks for that - in the absence of hard stats, I would predict substantial uptake since 2001. The price of basic hardware is coming down all the time and open source is becoming a truly viable alternative even for beginners. The main problem that remains is the ongoing costs of subscription to broadband services. Signs are that prices there are starting to come down too.


Clearly it's not the kind of thing that can be addressed overnight, but I think 5 years is a realistic target.

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Clearly it's not the kind of thing that can be addressed overnight, but I think 5 years is a realistic target.

I'm afraid the UK figures simply do not bear out your optimism.


Data shows [Date, No Online (Millions)↔Change (Millions)↔Percentage Increase↔Percentage of Population (using population of 80 Millions)

Jun-1996 ↔ 3.6 ↔ 0 ↔ 0.0 ↔ 4.5

Dec-1996 ↔ 4.6 ↔ 1 ↔ 21.7 ↔ 5.8

Jun-1997 ↔ 6.2 ↔ 1.6 ↔ 25.8 ↔ 7.8

Dec-1997 ↔ 7.2 ↔ 1 ↔ 13.9 ↔ 9.0

Jun-1998 ↔ 8.7 ↔ 1.5 ↔ 17.2 ↔ 10.9

Dec-1998 ↔ 10.7 ↔ 2 ↔ 18.7 ↔ 13.4

Jun-1999 ↔ 12.7 ↔ 2 ↔ 15.7 ↔ 15.9

Dec-1999 ↔ 14.2 ↔ 1.5 ↔ 10.6 ↔ 17.8

Jun-2000 ↔ 17.5 ↔ 3.3 ↔ 18.9 ↔ 21.9

Dec-2000 ↔ 19.1 ↔ 1.6 ↔ 8.4 ↔ 23.9

Jun-2001 ↔ 20.8 ↔ 1.7 ↔ 8.2 ↔ 26.0

Dec-2001 ↔ 21.7 ↔ 0.9 ↔ 4.1 ↔ 27.1

Jun-2002 ↔ 23.1 ↔ 1.4 ↔ 6.1 ↔ 28.9

Dec-2002 ↔ 23.6 ↔ 0.5 ↔ 2.1 ↔ 29.5

Jun-2003 ↔ 24.5 ↔ 0.9 ↔ 3.7 ↔ 30.6

Dec-2003 ↔ 24.9 ↔ 0.4 ↔ 1.6 ↔ 31.1

Jun-2004 ↔ 26.8 ↔ 1.9 ↔ 7.1 ↔ 33.5

Dec-2004 ↔ 28.1 ↔ 1.3 ↔ 4.6 ↔ 35.1

Jun-2005 ↔ 29.3 ↔ 1.2 ↔ 4.1 ↔ 36.6

Dec-2005 ↔ 29.8 ↔ 0.5 ↔ 1.7 ↔ 37.3


Look at how 'No online' and 'Percentage Increase' have slowed. Look at how 'Percentage of Population' is starting to slow. Classic marketing/economic stuff for any new product initially in high demand. For example, if you take the last four sets of data, and assume the same growth (which I wouldn't - for a whole raft of factors, some of which I mentioned in earlier posts), and extrapolate it - you are talking 80% online by 2020.


Though of course this assumes perceiving the 'Internet and the technology in use' - as it is now. Once we all get our compulsory ID cards and tracking head-implants from Labour it might be very different.

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Interesting to see the peak increase in volume occurred in the second half of 2000 - I would have expected it to be later than that.


Still, I'm a big proponent of the idea of tipping points - seemingly small changes in a situation that create a disproportionate change in behaviour. Still not quite sure what that will be as far as the internet goes, but I don't think it has happened yet.

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I bet it wasn't moderated because it's clearly the rantings of an idiot.







You are a comeover? Surely not? Only joking, there's no doubt that you, like most of the other contributors to this Middle England forum, are without doubt a comeover.


If it makes you feel better write me off as an idiot by all means however you people delude yourselves if you think we like and respect you all. Cue Slim, Mr West Brit, to jump in protesting how wrong I am. Sure crack on Slim, you talk for yourself not the rest of us.


Brits, Get the boat please.








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The point all you folks seem to be missing is that so long as Johnson Press is kept going by state handouts it'll never report, or comment, on Government activity objectively.

Funny isn't it the way it's good for business to profit on the back of handouts yet those poor unfortunates forced to rely on state aid, for whatever reason of personal circumstances, are pilloried by the hypocrites at IOM Newstraitors and on this forum.


Who are the poor unfortunates pilloried by Isle of Man Newspapers?





Anybody who chooses to buck the system, don't you all, and IOMNP just hate social security "scroungers" as you see them? Yet IOMNP, in common with many other businesses, is just that - a state scrounger.


Turning to other parts of your diatribe, most of it right wing crap. Shock as it may come to you I do have some experience of newspapers and journalism which helps me recognize the bias of IOMNP, which in turn may well explain my rancor towards IOMNP. Not to mention comeovers..............like you? Nah the question mark is irrelevant you are just another mere comeover who posts to Comeover Corner (this forum) and pollutes our island.


Boat in the morning for you.





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I bet it wasn't moderated because it's clearly the rantings of an idiot.

If it makes you feel better write me off as an idiot by all means


Viewing you as such is not so much a choice as it is an inevitable consequence of reading your posts. Sorry.

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I bet it wasn't moderated because it's clearly the rantings of an idiot.

If it makes you feel better write me off as an idiot by all means


Viewing you as such is not so much a choice as it is an inevitable consequence of reading your posts. Sorry.




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Anybody who chooses to buck the system, don't you all, and IOMNP just hate social security "scroungers" as you see them? Yet IOMNP, in common with many other businesses, is just that - a state scrounger.

blah blah

Not to mention comeovers..............like you? Nah the question mark is irrelevant you are just another mere comeover who posts to Comeover Corner (this forum) and pollutes our island.

Boat in the morning for you.



It is difficult to support convicted criminals who defraud the taxpayer, granted. Even somebody as tolerant and liberal as yourself must find it a bit of a stretch.

And the boat in the morning goes to a UK port, where you import most of your food from. Oh, and it's run by a non-Manx MD. Etc etc.

Congratulations though: you're one of the finest trolls I've seen on MF.

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