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Can we all just be aware:- there are no journalists in the local media - they are all mere reporters.


Please explain what you think is the difference.


to my mind a Journalist uncovers a story researches the back-ground and writes an independant copy and comment whereas a reporter doesn't uncover stories but works substantially from material provided and regurgitates it to suit the circumstances of the information being delivered either in print or spoken form (this seems to happen all th etime on radio where one "story" gets aired numerous times a day with slight changes in the sequence of words so that the listeners might think its not the same as something they heard earlier.

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I bet it wasn't moderated because it's clearly the rantings of an idiot.

If it makes you feel better write me off as an idiot by all means


Viewing you as such is not so much a choice as it is an inevitable consequence of reading your posts. Sorry.



Ah yes another "Manxman" speaks.


Interestingly none of them have denied my claim that they're mere comeovers? Just like the overwhelming majority who post on this forum. I bet there's barely a real Manxman/woman amongst the lot of you.


I was on the vomit comet the other day and some bloke with a typical "Estuary English" accent was telling me how he really used to like the Isle of Man because there were no n****rs a few years back. Now he's somewhat less than enthralled because there's too many immigrants these days. He wasn't best pleased when I mentioned that he was an immigrant too, just like the people to whom he was directing his wrath. Personally give me the eastern Europeans and Filipinos etc., any day over the English, who are too busy trying to make us English. I was listening to Energy FM and one of the idiot, shallow presenters, don't know his name but he has Brummie accent. He was talking about cricket and referring to the English Cricket team as "us" and "ours".


That sort of attitude really gets me. Not that I expect any agreement, or understanding, of my stance whatsoever from comeovers corner.


The English think I'm an idiot, hey life isn't all bad after all. Must be doing something right.


Boat in the morning folks...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you won't be missed.

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