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Drivers On The Phone


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I really should have better things to do than this; but I haven't.


Well that was a fine explanation of your reason for calling people 'sad, power seeking twats'. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I can see how you reached such a grown up and reasoned conclusion.


Well, yeah, the sort of person who'd set up that sort of website is a sad, power seeking twat. A bit like a special constable - not content with life, and with a need to grasp a little bit of power to boost their self esteem, however small.


You've missed the point (avoided) that were someone to do something like this we all know it's unlikely due to reasons many (before you) have stated that prosecutions would result, but simply that someone might take note of the extent that it is happening and that people would appreciate more attention being paid to the problem. I don't find it a difficult idea really. Never mind.


I tried really hard, but I still miss that point being made. Somebody did take pictures of people in their cars, and did post them on the internet. Then somebody (you) asked if we could have a website dedicated to it, and then someone said he'd thought about it but was worried about the legal consequences and asked for opinions, and then I sighed, and then someone said there might be legal consequences, and someone else said there might not be... And obviously, because of this little exchange of posts, "we all know it's unlikely" because "prosecutions would result" (I'm guessing this must have happened in another thread I wasn't invited to, and then I made the faux pas of unwittingly repeating it - how silly of me).


But at least the point has been made! And a great point it was too.


Apparently you can read minds too seeing as you're told me what I was thinking despite me not saying it.


What did I tell you that you were thinking? Did I tell you you were condoning driving whilst on the phone? No, sorry. It was you who told me I did. Did I tell you you thought people dying in car crashes was "fun"? No, again, that was you telling me I did. When you said "You're right, of course. We should be condoning the dangerous tossers that do this 'cause obviously it's fun when someone dies". Mind reading really is grrrreat!


Go you - you're ace.


Yes. Yes I am.

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Simply adding a comment hear just to clear something up.


An earlier comment in the forum said "Will it take the death of someone due to mobile phones to get the police to start arresting people etc.


The police do charge people constantly for using there mobile phone well driving, and there is plenty of it on the Island however, driving with your mobile phone and using it at the same time is not an arrestable offence, yes, you can be charged and recieve an on the spot fine etc but you can not be arrested for it. Also, unless you know how many cases go through the courts weekly in reference to charges for dangerous driving/driving well using your mobile phone in which the penelty may be points on your licence/loss of licence you cant comment. Untill the law is changed thats the most the police can do in the way of trying to prevent people from using there phones well driving, my personal opinion, change the law so that anyone cought using a mobile phone well driving serves an immediate 60 days in prison but oh, i forgot, we cant do that, the prisons are full.

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Well, yeah, the sort of person who'd set up that sort of website is a sad, power seeking twat. A bit like a special constable - not content with life, and with a need to grasp a little bit of power to boost their self esteem, however small.


So you're saying that anyone who wishes to give up their free time by volunteering to help their community and become a Special Constable is a sad, power-seeking twat?



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I really should have better things to do than this; but I haven't.


Well that was a fine explanation of your reason for calling people 'sad, power seeking twats'. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I can see how you reached such a grown up and reasoned conclusion.


Well, yeah, the sort of person who'd set up that sort of website is a sad, power seeking twat. A bit like a special constable - not content with life, and with a need to grasp a little bit of power to boost their self esteem, however small.


Ace - so you just did the same thing again, but this time adding some more sweeping generalisations & assumptions. I can see that you seem to have a problem with special constables for whatever reason. Do you know them all in person then to make such a statement?

While you're at it, you may as well call any person working in shop a low achiever, anyone working in finance a crook, and any tradesman as dodgy. Good one.


You can have the last word actually, just so you get another chance to selectively quote/paraphrase/twist etc the original intention one more time. You've admitted you don't understand the point being made so that'll do me. Others I'm sure will.


I don't see the need for you to be so obnoxious just because you don't agree with people but you persistently are. Speaks volumes.

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