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Half Life 2: Part 2


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and didnt realise he needed a dvd drive to play it.


I'm surprised you can get a PC capable of playing HL2 that doesn't have a DVD drive. I thought they were fairly standard bits of kit. Home built job?


Your mate could always get if through Steam, don't need a DVD drive for that

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Seems to be the way with FPSs. I know one guy who completed Halo 2 within 24 hours of getting it, and he said he wasn't even caning it.


Everyone who's played HL2 raves about it though, so I'll probably pick up a copy this afternoon. Little chance of me completing it in a couple of days though, I've not completed a game since Mario 64!

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I've managed a whole hour play on it as I've completely blown my back out and I've been lying at the top of the house on a mattress since Wednesday. I'd play it on this laptop but I'm not sure the P2-266 in here will be up to it.


Kinda annoying, especially as my osteo is on holiday in New Zealand. Inconsiderate sod.

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On Tuesday i played Hl2 from about 2pm till about 11pm with about 4 hours overall taking breaks and eating etc :P. Wednesday, didnt play it quite as much, prob only about 2/3 hours... then yesterday for another 2 hours, finished it at 7pm. So thats 9/10 Hours game play at an estimation... this was on medium difficulty too. I wouldnt say it was much shorter that HL1 either... I think its just that FPS are much more popular now and people just plod through them. It may also be the fact that ive been playing TFC for 4/5years ;E

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I know what you mean but I'd feel a little bit agreived that after the wait, the hype and the general expectation surrounding these games ( I'm including Halo2 here ) to only have 9 or 10 hours solid gameplay. I'm sure there is a fair bit of replay to be had, using only one type of weapon maybe ( just the gravity gun for instance ) but even then you're pushing it. Is there a decent online mode for it?

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Kaos: yes ok after the big wait comes 10 hours gameplay, but so what? the point in the game isnt to make it 'last long', its to experience it, and HL2 is not worth missing out on :E


BTW: Theres no HL2 Death match, you get CS:Source though, so i suppose thats alright. With the silver package, you also get Day of defeat: source (not released yet), and i can guarantee the public will create mods using the source engine (Team Fortress: Source, Probably HL2DM, etc). Any1 can do it too, which is the great thing.. once you have steam, goto play games and at the bottom you can download the creators kit for free, which includes war hammer and model viewer.

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Yeah I'm gonna have to wait until I get meself a powerfull enough PC to experience it properly. Don't get me wrong I'm not slagging it off I loved the first one and played it through at least 5 times, maybe I've been playing GTA too much and am expecting every game to give at least 30 hours gameplay ( I'm living in a GTA fuelled dream world ). :blink:


I like the idea of the creator kits you mention, I saw the level editor for Far Cry and was blown away with the ease of use, a real time level editor every gamers dream!!!

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Dont get me wrong either, im not getting angry... im just saying :D I love GTA too, half the fact that its so big!


But yeah, it is a great feature, being able to create maps and mods if you have the know how. I expect alot of mods to be realsed tbh, should be intresting.


I posted on another forum that my theory is that the reason valve took so long with HL2, is that theyve created HL3 and other mods TOP SECRET to carry on with the story line. Wishful thinking, but you be cool :]

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I picked up a copy at lunchtime, and because I'm expecting to spend all weekend playing it I also purchased a nice comfy chair to sit on. I normally sit on a horrible wooden stool you see.


In the event of my PC not being able to run it properly at least I'll be able to spin around in the chair, and "stuff".

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I'm interested in seeing San Andreas on the PC the ability to modify should extend the game life even further! Sorry if this is a little off topic but, I'd like to see a Dawn of Dead style mod, 5 players online all starting in different areas. Basic weapons only to begin with. Mission aim to all hook up together and escape, only clapped out vehicles...

I've always been into creating my own levels on the likes of Timesplitters but until I get a decent PC I'll just have to keep on creating them in my head :blink::huh::blink:

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