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Mature Gamers Forum

K.os Theory

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I found this forum by chance the other week, it's a brand new gaming forum ( only 11 members so far ) that is designed to get us oldies away from the younger crowd of gamers ( you know the whining american teenages screaming about how much they just pwnd you ).

I've been in touch with a couple of the guys and it they seem like a pretty likeable bunch.

The forum covers all game systems, PS3, 360, Wii and the likes

Feel free to jump in have a look...





as I've said it is a very new forum so there isn't much happening at the moment, but it's a good excuse to increase your friends list...

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I thought this was a funny thread regarding kids on xbox live. I've had it happen to me a few times during online play on PC's but I guess the consoles are more open to this.




Cut 'n paste:


I don't like kids. I'm very upfront about that. I don't want any of my own & I certianly don't need anybody else's.


This can be problematic when playing online. There are plenty of kids out there who are a pleasure to play against however they are few & far between. You are far more likely to run into one who doesn't really understand the concept of their playing with live people who actually want to retain both their hearing & their sanity. Screaming into the mic, providing the other players with a constant stream of running commentary on what's on their screen, wether the other player wants to hear it or not. The ones who really like to curse & trash talk while their parents are out of the rooms are my personal favorites.


I am an adult & most of the people I play online with are also adults. After a long day at work the last thing I want to hear is some mouthy 10 year old who just learned the F word, screeching it into my left ear. If a certian player has just become so annoying that the game is no longer enjoyable I will ask them to leave, however since the annoying person typically doesn't care that they are being annoying they tend to stick around & make life suck for the rest of the players in the room.... which then forces me to rate them as a player to avoid.


My point is this - if you are a parent of a young child or even some teens who play on Xbox Live then please start monitering their behavior when they are online. If you've noticed an abundance of swearing, shrieking, shouting or other loud disturbing noices, please take their microphone away from them. If your child behaves in this way I completely understand why you would put a videogame on - just to get them out of your hair for an hour or so - but that doesn't mean that I have to put up with it either. For example: I was once given the riot act by a mother whose son had complained to her that I told him to 'Get the H*ll out of my room', she soon changed her tune when I gave her the reason for my comment - her precious 9 year old baby had just called me a F***ing B**ch.


The Xbox is not a babysitter nor is it a subsitute for parental guidance so start watching your kids.



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I've run a privateish games list for a good 12 odd years, it might not be designed for aging gamers, but it's certainly got plenty of em now. I've prived a few invites here. If anyone else fancies a look, let me know.

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I dont know how much interest there will be. But if anyone is interested I have added some new forums over at Manx Arcade for Manx Gamers - http://www.manxarcade.com/forum.php


The Arcade itself has 400 flash games and now just over 2000 members.


It's free to register and has highscores and challenges etc.

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