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Swiss Man Jailed For 10 Years For Insulting Thai King


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If you're in someone else's country you have to abide by their laws.


Unless, of course, you come to the UK. Then you can do what you like, and claim 'discrimination' or 'racialism' if you aren't allowed to do what you would in your own country.

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i agree Albert, maybe they should have given him some sort of community service to repay to country. but what about this girl, is she right to be imprisoned, or she she get community service??



Jeepers! - what a country. The article in the Chicago Tribune gives an overview of what is going on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's been pardoned:


BBC Story


Maybe that's how things should be done - the judiciary take the case through due process and then clemency is allowed. That said I think all citizens - including Kings - should be equal. One libel law for all. And one tax law too - oh but that's me getting annoyed with the Tax dodging House of Windsor and not the Thai royal family.


Thailand's king has pardoned a Swiss man who was sentenced to 10 years in jail for defacing images of him.

Oliver Jufer was sentenced last month, after he admitted spray-painting images of the revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej in the city of Chiang Mai.

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There is still some element of punishment:


Now he has received a royal pardon, Mr Jufer is expected to be deported as soon as possible, police said.

"The king in his kindness has granted him a pardon and he has been transferred from prison and is in the process of being deported from the country," Chiang Mai police Col Prachuab Wongsuk told The Associated Press.


And that seems onlly fair given that he'd lived there long enough to know that such actions were against the law and would offend most Thais who hold their king in very high esteem.

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