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Charterhouse Group Announces 78 Redundancies


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I think we are all shocked,though business has been declining badly over the last 2 yrs,80 gone in Ramsey and another 10 Sales guys gone in London.Some in Ramsey were made go Friday on the spot while the rest will have to work a months notice.

My Manager said that she expected more Redundancies to follow in the next 4/6 weeks.

When you look at some of the strange appointments like Sales Directors who never worked in Sales,we shouldn't be suprised.

Apparently the London office will go the end of June as we remodel ourselves as an Accountancy co.

Has anybody any idea what redundancy package we will get?

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a weeks pay for every year you have worked so long as you have worked at least two years - next time you get a job ask for a contract that includes a minimum amount of redundancy pay - say equivalent to 3 months pay. you live and learn.

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I've heard you will get April's salary as normal, a WEEKS pay for every year you have been there (if you have been there over 2 years) and your holidays will be taken into consideration too..


It sucks... glad I got outta there when I did!



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isn't all this a reaction to the changes introduced by the UK Chancellor in his budget whereby he screws managed service companies?

see yesterday's Times newspaper article.




why hasn't our own Treasury Minister and Govt said anything about the situation - a deafening wall of silence.


how many more job losses will there be in this sector? and how many companies are actually closing up?


so much for a buyant economy so long as your not unemployed. and 1.5% doesn't sound alot unless you happen to be in that percentage and without a job when even 1.5% is 1.5% too much.


those that have lost their jobs have my sympathy.


what though were are the bosses and owners of such firms doing to find new work and position their comapnies to be able to continue to expand? or do the bosses and owners even care 'cos they usually have enought money to move on to another business?

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Yep it will be a result of those changes as this was a large percentage of Charterhouses work although by no means all. It was where they sourced their original rapid expansion from in the mid 1990s. Charterhouse were one of 2 or 3 market leaders in this in respect of the UK but this was an area that the UK chancellor had looked at before under IR35.


It will and obviously put a big dent in their business and I feel sorry for those made redundant but it relates purely to the UK side of their business and whilst this may be a large proportion of their business there were and are still other markets. There have been and will be ebbs and flows in these as well as there are in all businesses but I would not look at Charterhouse as being an indicator of the overall health of the finance sector as in respect of the provision of UK service companies etc Charterhouse whilst not unique were probably the only real main player in the IoM in this regard. This part of their business could have been done from the UK which is where many of their competitors were based.


I would not look too hard at the bosses as yes maybe they might have done something’s better but they took an advantage of a niche opportunity which for ten years has provided them and many of their employers a decent wage. OK in respect of the owners multi millions. That opportunity has been closed and it will hurt many and I doubt if Charterhouse will ever again be anywhere near the size it was but maybe we should be grateful that we got a bite of the pie for ten years than not at all.


I appreciate that is cold comfort if you are one of those affected but in much of what Charterhouse did it was known that it was a question that a quick change of relevant legislation could bring the good days to an end and it was a question of making hay whilst the sum shone. That unfortunately the way in business and I am sure they will continue and look at existing and new opportunities but unfortunately these are unlikely to be on the same scale.





isn't all this a reaction to the changes introduced by the UK Chancellor in his budget whereby he screws managed service companies?

see yesterday's Times newspaper article.




why hasn't our own Treasury Minister and Govt said anything about the situation - a deafening wall of silence.


how many more job losses will there be in this sector? and how many companies are actually closing up?


so much for a buyant economy so long as your not unemployed. and 1.5% doesn't sound alot unless you happen to be in that percentage and without a job when even 1.5% is 1.5% too much.


those that have lost their jobs have my sympathy.


what though were are the bosses and owners of such firms doing to find new work and position their comapnies to be able to continue to expand? or do the bosses and owners even care 'cos they usually have enought money to move on to another business?

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a weeks pay for every year you have worked so long as you have worked at least two years - next time you get a job ask for a contract that includes a minimum amount of redundancy pay - say equivalent to 3 months pay. you live and learn.

Yes and I am sure you will get what you ask for! Come on Copycat, yet again you demonstrate that you and reality are unwilling bedfellows!

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but seeing as how there was a problem highlighted back in January how come no-body took any notice and no-one at Charterhouse came out before hand to say they may have a problem and put staff on more notice than they have given them (sounds like some got none at all).

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but seeing as how there was a problem highlighted back in January how come no-body took any notice and no-one at Charterhouse came out before hand to say they may have a problem and put staff on more notice than they have given them (sounds like some got none at all).


Because they didn't know the exact situation until the UK budget on March 21st. Everything may have been ok if the new legislation had come out as expected but it didn't.


So how's about you stop crowing on like a smug twat and go back to ranting about dog turds and fag ends. Some of my friends and colleagues have lost their jobs as a result of this and don't need the likes of you spouting your drivel

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We were told today that the company is been split into 2

The Trust side goes one way with David Dean and the rest of the company FPS with Eugene Lantry

Due dilligence is happening at the moment to put a value on the FPS side of the company

People been kept on will be issued with new contracts depending on what side of the business you end up in.

If I did not know better this sounds as if it was all planned,and the revenue issue is a smoke screen.

I believe David feels his company has been run down so an other can buy it cheap

The new FPS might have only 30/50 staff,which means much more redundancies

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FPS side of the business will deal directly with Recruitment cos handling their temps workers payroll

Simply, getting the money from the Recruitment co and paying it to the Contractor worker

The Contractor has a limited co set up individually for him,Charter charge contractor 5% commission.

Charterhouse controlled the market in the UK 5 years ago,

complacency,losing good staff and the hiring of some bad staff lost us ground to competitors.

Most of our competitors are ex staff

bad leadership I'm afraid on our side to lose ground so quickly

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Business is business and tough choices have to be made sometimes.


This company is not a charity and for the last few years this loop hole has been warned it will close.


From what i have heard this company gave 1 year contracts so if they choose not to renew them then thats life.


If these people wanted secure jobs they should have applied for a government position.


Just be glad they didnt shut up shop and head for pastures new. ;)

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