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Charterhouse Group Announces 78 Redundancies


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I only give sympathy to people who need it, people who are ill etc.


Like the other poster's have said move on, turn a negative into a positive, pull your socks up and start looking.


Nothing said when abbey national packed up and laid of 170+ jobs.


After all we only go to work for the money.


I have just stumbled across this You Tube clip of an ex employee of charterhouse, he must be copying the other guy who was on manx radio


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I got official notification in the post today,1 weeks redundancy for each year, terrible!

My Manager told me we would be officially told after Easter about the complete breakup of the company.

More redundancies today,some really nice people,more tomorrow I am sure.

The Redundancy number has officially gone over 100 people and is not slowing down,my Manager says it will hit 150.

For my friends that are still there,it is terrifying as they are waiting for a call to be told they are gone too.

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I have only 2 weeks left before I am made redundant,I really can't wait,the atmosphere in the office is poisonious.

My Manager told me this morning the official line on Eugene Lantry ex CEO;

"David Dean removed Eugene from his post as he was unhappy with the direction Eugene had taken the company,David was also concerned about some of Eugene's appointments and staff promotions particularly in Sales

David will take lead of the company and lead it thru its dark hours which will leave the company eventually with no more than 40 employees"


I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town

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I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town



What do you mean could it bloody is.


I wish you well with your search and hope you get a job asap, its just a shame ramsey gets more job loses.


I think ramsey would be a great place for companies to come to, its always sunny up north.


Let's hope the marina etc adds a bit of sparkle and kick starts ramsey

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I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town

Rubbish. Ramsey has loads of jobs and potential - and this 'gap' will probably be filled within a couple of months.


Get a grip! - it's 20 miles to Douglas - I have to drive all over the bleedin UK.

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Well said albert i do about 650 miles when i go to the UK in about 5 days


What is it over here to douglas and back for 5 days 180 miles give or take.


Get a grip i worked with a guy who did 150 miles a day to work and back and thats normal to some.

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I am not sure if it is a very sick joke or a massive mistake.

A colleague rang me to say the new Charterhouse website is advertising for jobs.

They have just let go nearly 200 people and damaged the economy in Ramsey and they are looking for staff.

Whatever it is,it is certainly another PR disaster for Charterhouse and David Dean

I am very upset about this!

I think all staff who lost their jobs will also be very offended

www.charterhouseplc.com (on the bottom of the home page)


I also notice all the previous Director names have been removed bar David and Carol

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Its very sad that people have lost their jobs. They say any publicity is good, that figures, I had never heard of Charterhouse before they sacked the people, a lot of free advertising and a clean out to boot (perhaps it has something to do with the new UK tax laws) anyway look on the brightside, money isnt everything and the Mooragh Park is free :) I can think of worse places to be made redundant in so close to the summer.

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I know somebody who applied for a job at Charterhouse the same day the redundancies were announced. I honestly thought they were taking the piss when they told me.


Anyway, unlike some other posters, I do feel sorry for Ramsey people who may now have to work in Douglas. I live in Ramsey and so far I've never been lucky enough to work there, and no matter what anyone says, I know after seven years that the daily journey to and fro over the mountain can be depressing. By working in Douglas you miss out on everyday life in your home town and sometimes you do wonder if the extra money you earn is worth the time you waste every day just getting to work. My friend has recently got a new job in Ramsey and has never been happier or had a more tidier, organised life. Good luck to everyone who's lost their job and I hope they find something better.

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I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town

Rubbish. Ramsey has loads of jobs and potential - and this 'gap' will probably be filled within a couple of months.


Get a grip! - it's 20 miles to Douglas - I have to drive all over the bleedin UK.



Well said albert i do about 650 miles when i go to the UK in about 5 days


What is it over here to douglas and back for 5 days 180 miles give or take.


Get a grip i worked with a guy who did 150 miles a day to work and back and thats normal to some.



I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town


FFS Ramsey IS already a ghost town.


Do you not own a car? Its as if a job in Douglas is like being asked to move to Uganda or something. Get a grip. Its only the Isle of Man.


The parochial attitude of some people is simply unbelievable particularly people who supposedly work in international finance.


If people chose to do a job where they have to travel then that is their choice.

Personally, I choose to do a job that is as close to home as possible so that I can have a life outside of work during the week as well as at the weekends.


Criticising someone else's distress at the change in lifestyle that an extra commute will cause is just boorish and rude. If you choose a job that involves travel don't moan about it - and don't use it as a stick to beat others with just because they have made a different choice. For those of us that have chosen quality of life over work it IS a big deal, even a change of 20 miles or so puts over an hour onto your day and means that you can't go home at lunch times to get little jobs done / check on animals, kids , etc.

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I am not sure if it is a very sick joke or a massive mistake.

A colleague rang me to say the new Charterhouse website is advertising for jobs.

They have just let go nearly 200 people and damaged the economy in Ramsey and they are looking for staff.

Whatever it is,it is certainly another PR disaster for Charterhouse and David Dean

I am very upset about this!

I think all staff who lost their jobs will also be very offended

www.charterhouseplc.com (on the bottom of the home page)


I also notice all the previous Director names have been removed bar David and Carol


This is all I get

Server Error in '/' Application.



The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.


Requested Url: /Charterhouse-Careers/job_vacancies.aspx


Looks like the page has been taken down :)

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I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town

Rubbish. Ramsey has loads of jobs and potential - and this 'gap' will probably be filled within a couple of months.


Get a grip! - it's 20 miles to Douglas - I have to drive all over the bleedin UK.



Well said albert i do about 650 miles when i go to the UK in about 5 days


What is it over here to douglas and back for 5 days 180 miles give or take.


Get a grip i worked with a guy who did 150 miles a day to work and back and thats normal to some.



I hope to find a job In Douglas,and will probably sell up out of Ramsey altogether,it could become a ghost town


FFS Ramsey IS already a ghost town.


Do you not own a car? Its as if a job in Douglas is like being asked to move to Uganda or something. Get a grip. Its only the Isle of Man.


The parochial attitude of some people is simply unbelievable particularly people who supposedly work in international finance.


If people chose to do a job where they have to travel then that is their choice.

Personally, I choose to do a job that is as close to home as possible so that I can have a life outside of work during the week as well as at the weekends.


Criticising someone else's distress at the change in lifestyle that an extra commute will cause is just boorish and rude. If you choose a job that involves travel don't moan about it - and don't use it as a stick to beat others with just because they have made a different choice. For those of us that have chosen quality of life over work it IS a big deal, even a change of 20 miles or so puts over an hour onto your day and means that you can't go home at lunch times to get little jobs done / check on animals, kids , etc.



Well I used to drive 180 miles a day to and from work. I now drive 11 but would dearly love to be able to walk to work like I used to when I was 16.

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