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Isle Of Man Traffic Congestion - A Solution


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Like where all the knobs today were trying to turn right into groves road :rolleyes:


Sorry, did you miss that big fuck off sign you just drove past?


Funnily enough, I went past that way a couple of times this afternoon and was hardly held up at all. I don't know what sign you're on about though.

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Can I use the term 'manxish'? or is that being Manxist?


I know people from the UK who have moved over here and are just as selfish/ignorant/incompetent on the road as any manxman, so yes, I will downgrade manx to resident.



How about a new category of New Manx?

But there is would still be a problem with 'Land of My Birth'



I knew an old farmer who never indicated when he was driving in the north. He said he knew where he was going and as they knew his van and where he lived other people did too.

Times have changed since then.

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Taking as long to get down Bray Hill as it takes to get from Ramsey to Hillberry is congestion in my book!


It would in my book as well. However, it doesn't take that long. Nowhere near in fact.

I can tell you for a fact it does - regularly

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It really isn't congestion


I really can't see how you can say this if you have seen the town centre at 5pm on weekdays.

I can see down on the traffic near the bus station and every day things grind to a halt.


Last week for instance trying to get over the swing bridge took me 10 minutes to move 4 car lengths, and by the time I got to bar george to pick the mrs up it had taken 32 minutes.


Yes, it might not be as bad as you can get across where you can be sat on a motorway for hours, but that doesn't mean it's not congestion.





1. excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part

2. excessive crowding; "traffic congestion"


When there are no gaps in the traffic and it's not moving then I think you can correctly describe it as being congested.

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I always stay a little later in the office now, reading the paper or browsing the web. Beats sitting in traffic. I agree that it is only a problem twice a day, and changing the school times would be an obvious place to start, wouldn't it? That said, I've no kids and I am not a teacher, so I don't know how inconvenient that would be

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TBH the DoT are among the worst for making life confusing. Take the Roundabout at the top of Anagh Coar, coming from B&Q travelling straight on, according to roundabout best practise, you should be in the left hand lane and take the outside route across. But no, the DoT decided that you should use the right hand lane, and completely negate the need for 2 lanes on that section of the roundabout.


This is not an isolated situation either, time and again the DoT make up the rules for traffic as they go along.

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Plus now "Manx Electric Railway and Horse Tram users should be aware of a new disc parking zone in Douglas. Vehicles parking there will be restricted to no more than two hours within any four hour period between 8am and 8pm every day."


That could mean a very expensive day out for a family of unwary visitors. Plus how much money is going to be lost by the rail/horse trams when people can't park there for more than 2 hours?


Perhaps the DoT could put this helpful diagram in their next training manual:







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