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[BBC News] Warning over 'other' road users


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It's all very well educating motorists about other road users, but what about educating these others about their own safety?


Horse riders aren't so bad, and most do have insurance to protect themselves and their horses, albeit not compulsory.


Cyclists can be a pain in the arse when they're cycling in a big group 3 or 4 abreast sometimes on twisty roads. Come round a corner and meet a bunch of them and you can be sure of a case of brown trousers. Single file around blind bends is more sensible but the militant save the planet types that "have rights" and will do as they please and like to tell you about it deserve shooting, or running down.


Runners also do my head in at times. They seem to have an aversion to running on footpaths. What's the deal there?




Yes, and lots of people walk on the wrong side of the road. They should be on the right facing oncoming traffic.

The logic is that if they are on the left a car could come up behind them and 'sweep them orf'

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Add also that 50% of riders don't even acknowledge drivers even when we go out of our way to be courteous.


Rant over



Probably because the ones who don't, have had numerous cars flying past them at stupid speeds and have lost most of their repsect for the ones who actually take care due to the idiots. It's the same with car users, those who experience many other car users who don't acknowledge their kindness on the roads give up being nice! Just a theory :)


But that is like saying that some bloke 20 years ago walked up to me and punched me in the face, ever since I have punched people who walk up to me first, just in case.


There is a BIG difference between respect and common courtesy. if I slow down, give a wide berth and/or switch my engine off when there are 3 horses straddling the road, then I at LEAST expect a wave or a nod to acknowledge my courtesy, when they just look down their noses at me anyway, I think to myself (and usually wind down the window and say it) "It is snotty gits like you that give horse riders a bad name"


As I said, it is about half and half of riders who will smile and nod to say thankyou.


The one thing in common that all these 'other' road users have, is that they have hundreds of miles of footpaths, bridleways and fields where motor vehicles are not allowed, yet they still feel it necessary to ridicule motorists.

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Add also that 50% of riders don't even acknowledge drivers even when we go out of our way to be courteous.


Rant over



Probably because the ones who don't, have had numerous cars flying past them at stupid speeds and have lost most of their repsect for the ones who actually take care due to the idiots. It's the same with car users, those who experience many other car users who don't acknowledge their kindness on the roads give up being nice! Just a theory :)


But that is like saying that some bloke 20 years ago walked up to me and punched me in the face, ever since I have punched people who walk up to me first, just in case.


There is a BIG difference between respect and common courtesy. if I slow down, give a wide berth and/or switch my engine off when there are 3 horses straddling the road, then I at LEAST expect a wave or a nod to acknowledge my courtesy, when they just look down their noses at me anyway, I think to myself (and usually wind down the window and say it) "It is snotty gits like you that give horse riders a bad name"


As I said, it is about half and half of riders who will smile and nod to say thankyou.


The one thing in common that all these 'other' road users have, is that they have hundreds of miles of footpaths, bridleways and fields where motor vehicles are not allowed, yet they still feel it necessary to ridicule motorists.


Sounds like your problem with horse riders is a deep seated inferiority complex!


signed: Dr Snaipyr

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As I said, it is about half and half of riders who will smile and nod to say thankyou.


Its also about 'half and half' with regards to the number of motorists who show a reasonable degree of courtesy to other road users.

Some of the problems on our roads may, justifiably, be laid at the door of the DoT - but the vast majority are caused by the impatience, bad manners or sheer ignorance of many road users.

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if I slow down, give a wide berth and/or switch my engine off when there are 3 horses straddling the road, then I at LEAST expect a wave or a nod to acknowledge my courtesy


So, three horses in the road, you slow down and switch your engine off thereby losing 80% of your braking power, yet you still expect thanks?

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Well, I don't wish to be pedantic, but there is a resevoir on my servo which stores negative pressure if I do need to brake further before restarting my engine, since I am a motorist that actually knows what is happening under my bonnet. I have to warn you that questions like that will get a sarcastically smart-arsed response.



As for any complex associated with horse riders, no, if anything I have an issue with people who fart higher than their arses. One good turn and all that jazz, it is like when I pull over for an oncoming vehicle (regardless of who has right of way) and give them the courtesy wave just to be ignored by an ignorant tosser who thinks everyone has to pull over and let them through as they are better, sorry, does not work that way.

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