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[BBC News] Water play feature opens in park


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The Mooragh Park in Ramsey is a fantastic location for adults and children alike, and I think the Commissioners deserve some kudos for making sure it's always well maintained and looked after, it's the kind of thing that I don't think anyone with a heart can really begrudge paying their rates for.


With the weather having come nice the last couple of weeks it's been great to see so many people down there at the weekends, children playing in the park, games of football, couples walking round the lake, and so on.


I've watched with interest as the new water feature has taken shape, it looks like it could be fun, although whether or not our little girl will be keen on it remains to be seen :D


I completely agree with you. I have always seenthe Mooragh as a Manx Treasure. It provides all that other parks used to, in terms of simple leisure activities in a lovely setting and few, if any, of the standard ingredients of most parks across, such as muggings, stabbings, vandalism, druggies, hooligans, broken glass and litter. The DTL could make more of it in their publicity as many (if I can call the few that come here "many") tourists never even know of it or find it.

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Its a shame Douglas dont make something of their parks like Ramsey have done, we (mini Hippy & I) love to go to The Mooragh, its easy to park there and there is plenty to do and it only costs a couple of quid (ice creams and the like).

We went to Silverdale on Monday, oh its lovely, even though the horses are not on the roundabout yet, the cafe was open and the lady in there was so pleasant it made up for me leaving my daughters plane tickets at home before I dropped her off at the airport! (I had to drive back to Douglas to collect the tickets, through the hell that is supposed to be a traffic system, the one where they dug up all the bloody roads so as to cause as much inconvenience to drivers as humanly possible - just to find she had got herself duplicate tickets with no problems at all - thanks BA/Flybe you are very kindly people)


Want to swap - crappy job and nice house in Douglas for something else, maybe in Ramsey or Ballasalla.

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Well the thing with Ramsey is its a rough diamond.


If only the government would send a bit of money on the place it could be soo much better than anywhere.


Ramsey 25 years ago was great before all the shops closed, it was a busy little town and the people were friendly.


But now you walk down the street and you can hardly see a face you know. :(


All ramsey neeeds is the Marina that would be the spark to make the place great, just look how good douglas harbour is now.


Mooragh Park is a family magnet in the summer.

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Our idea of a water feature when we were kids was to see who could hang on longest to the railings at the war memorial, at high tide during a easterly gale.


I feel sorry for todays youth having to splash around in a puddle, whilst supervised by some goon in a hi-viz outfit with a hard hat, clipbboard and a two-way radio.

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