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Mon Dieu, C'est Rapide!


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French train breaks world record


Apr. 3 - France makes a new record for the world's fastest conventional train, reaching 574.8 km/h (357mph) east of Paris.


The specially-configured train, with two locomotives and just three passenger cars, broke the record on a new line between Paris and Strasbourg.


Story and Video


In other news: Anorak sales have gone up 300% in the area east of Paris...

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For me its not so much the speed as the momentum which just takes my breath away - 400 tonnes of train going along at 360 mph - it would take quite some stopping if anything went wrong!

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Here's the link to The Times article by Ben Webster, the only British journalist on-board[Times Online


First few paragraphs:


At 357mph, it was impossible to focus on anything within a mile of the train. Even distant hilltop villages flashed past in a second.


The sense of flying across the landscape of the Champagne region was accentuated by being on the top deck of the TGV train.


Engineers had laboured for months to ensure precision to the millimetre in the track geometry, but we still lurched alarmingly. The train seemed to rise from the tracks for one terrifying moment.


We were travelling twice as fast as a passenger jet at the point of take-off, but there were no seatbelts. At that speed, they wouldn’t have saved us anyway.

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Timing is everything:


A delegation from the state of California is visiting France this week to study the possibility of building a high-speed TGV line from Sacramento to San Diego by way of San Francisco and Los Angeles.


The Independent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Found a little longer clip about it - seems, that was live on French TV: Clicky


Anyone else old enough to remember the 'interlude' film on BBC 'London to Brighton in 4 minutes'? This looks much the same - except that the film isn't 'speeded up'.

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