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Game Shop, How Does It Make Any Money!


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Well in Game, Just before christmas, I noticed the original xbox's were very cheap! (and the games to!), I bought a pre-owned one which came with 1 years game warranty for £50!, The first one didn't work though, The draw just kept ejecting, The second would just shut off after 30mins or maybe wouldn't switch on at all and the third which the bloke said "its untested, Just bring it back if it doesn't work", Well it will only play one game!, wierd!


They've since reduced the original xbox's to £39.99 so potentially thats £120 that doesn't work!!


And i'll be taking this one back so it'll be a 4th!


I noticed they are now doing xbox 360's pre-owned with 1 years warranty to!, What with all the hardware problems appearing ("red ring of death"), They probably won't make a great deal of money off of them either!!


Has anybody else had a similar experience?

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I know someone who got drunk and pissed all over his xbox, then traded it in at Game. Did any of yours smell funny?


:lol: Nope, None have smelt funny! (Although it would explain all the electrical faults!)

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You have to remember that GAME pay an absolute fucking pittance for pre-owned gear, quite frankly, they can probably afford to effectively chuck three quarters of it in the bin.


So how much do they pay for pre-owned stuff?


I thought it was normally half the resale value, So if they sell at £40, They'll give you £20?

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I used to work there a couple of years ago. I know the way the system worked then was that the person dealing with your trade would be responsible for the decision on how much to give you for trade ins. There were guidelines but there was no hard rule. I believe this changed later due to the fact that this was very easily taken advantage of. Back then on a brand new £40 game I'd usually give you £20 unless there was a good reason to sway me one way or the other. This was usually the only time you'd get 50% of what we sold it for new. Usually it was quite a bit less.

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I remember going in there with a brand new game that had cost me £40, i played it for about 5 mins and decieded it was not for me and went into the shop for a trade in or sell back. £8 he offered me and it was the same bloke that sold me it the first time! he told me that the game was not a big seller and thats why he would only buy it back for £8.


I sold it on ebay for £30

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Yeah, Had a look today and its £250 for a pre-owned premium and £170 for a pre-owned core system.


Complete rip off, You can get a premium with 2 wireless controllers and 2 games for £299!!

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