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Italian Football Supporters

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7 Man Utd fans stabbed before last nights game (1 stabbed in the throat, in serious condition), many more in hospital, police gone baton crazy, battering anyone within swing, women, children and old men included. Police on the Utd side of the fence, powerless to stop the constant barrage of missiles coming over and the Roma fans coming to the fence to cause trouble, then small number of the Utd fans, maybe understandably react by hurling abuse through the perspex fence, and everyone gets absolutely battered, without predjudice.

3 'boro fans stabbed last year, many more in hospital.

Policeman died last year after a flare was hurled at his face.

I seem to recall the last time Liverpool played there it was the same story.


On top of the constant corruption in the Italian game, surely its time for UEFA to get their banning stick out again?

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As much as Sky and the Taylor report has sanitised the game of football in the UK (and you can debate the right and wrongs of all seater stadia until you are blue in the face) the fact remains that there is still hard core thuggery both here and more prevalently on the continent. Anyone going to Roma of all places and expecting a peaceful game with polite banter and chants is deluded in the extreme.


The pictures last night werent good and didnt show either sets of fans in a good light....although one highlight was the really camp bloke in the Brazil shirt mimicking the slitting of the throat to the Utd supporters.

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7 Man Utd fans stabbed before last nights game (1 stabbed in the throat, in serious condition), many more in hospital, police gone baton crazy, battering anyone within swing, women, children and old men included. Police on the Utd side of the fence, powerless to stop the constant barrage of missiles coming over and the Roma fans coming to the fence to cause trouble, then small number of the Utd fans, maybe understandably react by hurling abuse through the perspex fence, and everyone gets absolutely battered, without predjudice.

3 'boro fans stabbed last year, many more in hospital.

Policeman died last year after a flare was hurled at his face.

I seem to recall the last time Liverpool played there it was the same story.


On top of the constant corruption in the Italian game, surely its time for UEFA to get their banning stick out again?


they should be banned but they never will a platini won't ever do anythin as he played for Juventus and he seems to have it in for the english game so a slap on the wrist and a pointless fine is all that will happen. UEFA seems to turn a blind eye to anything in any european country except england which now has the best security in the world and NO crowd trouble and the fans don't need to be caged in like animals.

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There were enough warnings about this potential violence, including a letter to fans from MU and several items on the news. Anyone who took their kids to this match needs their head examined.


They should stamp on this voilence quickly before it gets out of hand - perhaps by banning all fans (both sides) and playing a few games on neutral ground.

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Italian fans and police invloved in fighting again, surprise surprise.


If this had happened at an english ground all english teams would have already been kicked out of europe.


It appears that the it's one rule for us and another for the italians.


They've done i far too often this season but nothing has happened to them, it's a joke

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See there was trouble outside Old Trafford before the kick off this evening...is that 3 consecutive ECL games that they have had trouble with....


coincidence n'est ce pas??


There has never been any trouble at old trafford this year before last night


funny how the last 2 involved italians. coincidence?

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7 Man Utd fans stabbed before last nights game (1 stabbed in the throat, in serious condition), many more in hospital, police gone baton crazy, battering anyone within swing, women, children and old men included. Police on the Utd side of the fence, powerless to stop the constant barrage of missiles coming over and the Roma fans coming to the fence to cause trouble, then small number of the Utd fans, maybe understandably react by hurling abuse through the perspex fence, and everyone gets absolutely battered, without predjudice.

3 'boro fans stabbed last year, many more in hospital.

Policeman died last year after a flare was hurled at his face.

I seem to recall the last time Liverpool played there it was the same story.


On top of the constant corruption in the Italian game, surely its time for UEFA to get their banning stick out again?



here here :angry:

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Italian officials have told Man Utd to "advise" fans not to drink before the visit to Milan, is that so they can avoid the stampeding ities with knives, or the overzealous riot police better?

No. Its because full beer cans make better missiles than empty ones.

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