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Smoking Ban - The Isle Of Man


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If I saw a giraffe smoking I'd get a rope, hop on my BMX, and take it down with the Hoth manoeuvre. Then I'd kick the floored beast in the neck until it apologised.


How would it light the fag - it's hooves don't reach its mouth? Plus, no opposable thumbs.


However if it were a Camel....

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Well in that case - with a 1 in 85 lifetime chance of being in a car accident (1 in 400 of running into a pedestrian) then perhaps you'd better hand in your driving licence and scrap your car.


Or is that risk you pose to me somehow different?


Yes, driving is a necessary risk, not some optional recreational disgusting habbit.

No it's not. Ever heard of public transport and/or walking to work? There is a national obesity crisis on the weigh that needs people to start to do more walking anyway.


Driving is a risk you choose to take and put me at risk, probably never thinking at the start of the week how you could minimise your number of trips out on the road. Pedestrians and drivers are separated by a road and a pavement. What's the difference between having smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs - where both could enjoy a night out? It's like drivers taking away the pavement.

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Meaningless stastic alert again.


The chances of smoking in public affecting somebody else are 1 in 1 every time you do so no matter how tiny the effect.i.e. just irritation and annoyance. The others are life time statistics which if I drive once a day for 4O years make it about a 1:1,241,000 chanvce of being in a car accident each time I drive or 1: 5,840,000 of running into a pedestrian. If I derive twice a day then double it etc.


I'm with Albert on this one - by the Government's own figures at least a quarter of us are smokers, and we're being bullied and marginalised in a way that any other minority would be up in arms about. And it WILL eventually lead to a ban at home - already many landlords forbid smokers, as they know they have the zealots behind them.


Bullied and marginalised my arse. If smokers were only harming themselves nobody would give a fuck, but you can't go around killing other people and accept that as normal.

Well in that case - with a 1 in 85 lifetime chance of being in a car accident (1 in 400 of running into a pedestrian) then perhaps you'd better hand in your driving licence and scrap your car.


Or is that risk you pose to me somehow different?

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Well in that case - with a 1 in 85 lifetime chance of being in a car accident (1 in 400 of running into a pedestrian) then perhaps you'd better hand in your driving licence and scrap your car.


Or is that risk you pose to me somehow different?


Yes, driving is a necessary risk, not some optional recreational disgusting habbit.

No it's not. Ever heard of public transport and/or walking to work? There is a national obesity crisis on the weigh that needs people to start to do more walking anyway.


Driving is a risk you choose to take and put me at risk, probably never thinking at the start of the week how you could minimise your number of trips out on the road. Pedestrians and drivers are separated by a road and a pavement. What's the difference between having smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs - where both could enjoy a night out? It's like drivers taking away the pavement.


You're comparing apples and oranges and frankly talking nonsense. Surely you can see that if your argument has to go down this route that you're clutching at straws? Either way whatever you say, no matter how silly, it won't stop progress.

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My vision of Albert Tatlock being an intelligent, balanced and informed debater has over the past hour or so disappeare


in a puff of smoke.


It's a smokers' trait.


My father for example, is powerfully intelligent and an absolute joy to debate things with and chat to, however, get onto the issue of smoking and he immediately transforms into the debating equivalent of a small child with its hands in its ears whilst wailing, "Laa laaa laaa can't hear you!"


Then again, he is a drug addict attempting to rationalise that addiction, which is, essentially, impossible to achieve.


If he'd just say, "I'm addicted to nicotine and I don't have the willpower to kick the addiction", I'd let the matter drop.


That's the thing though, nicotine actually makes a smoker believe that their shit argument is true.

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The only point I am trying to make (albeit in a limited-time-today sort of way) is simple: there are plenty of risks that each of us choose to take - and it is not only smokers that put themselves and other people at risk - we all do it in our everyday activities in many different ways - but choose to ignore those risks when it suits us. Some of those activities have far higher risk factors to ourselves and others than passive smoking.


Let smokers have smoking pubs away from non-smokers. Everyone will be happy and still have most of the civil liberties intact.


However, I will not let anti-smoking fundamentalists get away with throw away statements, oblivious to the societal consequences of decisions such as this blanket ban. I want to run my own life (happily in a pub away from people who don't smoke), without having a government or companies telling me how to do it.

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If I saw a giraffe smoking I'd get a rope, hop on my BMX, and take it down with the Hoth manoeuvre. Then I'd kick the floored beast in the neck until it apologised.


What a pathetic contribution to the debate Mr Sausages.


For one, you'd never suffer passive smoking from a giraffe because the smoke they exhale would to too high up to bother you.

Secondly, smoking isn't even a health issue for them because they're necks are so long, the smoke never reaches their lungs.


Get a grip

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The smoke might not affect me, but what about the birds? Won't somebody think of the birds, and their little smoke prone lungs?


Giraffes do have birds perched on their heads, don't they?


What about the birds getting polluted by the cars. Ban driving.

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Giraffes can't drive, brainiac.


Anyway, it's crocodiles that have birds on their heads - not giraffes. And there's no way I'm fighting a crocodile. Unless someone gives me some huge metal arms, with really big hydraulic claws on the end. And a hammer.

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