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Hard Fi - Remix


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Hi All


My friend has recently did a House remix of the "Belong For The Weekend" by Hard Fi. He had some interest in it, and it's already been played in some clubs in Blackpool so he's now thinking of pressing a Vinyl.

Can you post what you think bout it as he wants to have as much feedback before he goes for it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, but this is just the mindless rubbish that is giving house music a bad name. Finding a useless indie flash in the pan hit and managing to fit a 10p house loop over it does'nt really deserve to leave the confines of your bedroom to be honest.



On the other hand i've heard worse sell bucket loads !


As for vinyl pressing forget it, with this sort of material you are best sticking to an mp3 download via a myspace site, spreading the word that way. Or build a microsite just around the tune and offer it on a cd, way cheaper than vinyl. If its popular enough a commercial label may pick up on it.



I've pressed vinyl and believe me its a labour of love, not for money.


I have been known to be wrong though !! - good luck with it.






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Not into Hard-Fi so as a start i'd say it uses too much of the original track. The beats need fixing, sound a bit cluttered and overbearing, the samples could do with adjusting too. This one of his first efforts? Not a bad start if so. If i were to offer any advice, i'd say to try and do more with it rather than just simply rip the track, put some more of his own input into it.

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