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[BBC News] One-way plan decided for TT road


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I bet anyone in need of an organ transplant is well chuffed. There should be plenty to go round come June



I personally find the top quote offensive and sick.How you can make light of somebody losing there life is beyond me.You are a sick fucking idiot and if i can be bothered i will put your post on some biker websites and then link it to your i,p address.

Good day to you all.

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Some may find them "offensive and sick" but I find it difficult to get on my high horse on the matter when the IoM actively promotes a festival where you can be very sure several of the partcipants and the spectators will either directly or indirectly die or be very very severely injured as a result.


I do not understand why you seem to be offended by such remarks but not that the event will actually result in death and injury as a consequence.


I bet anyone in need of an organ transplant is well chuffed. There should be plenty to go round come June



I personally find the top quote offensive and sick.How you can make light of somebody losing there life is beyond me.You are a sick fucking idiot and if i can be bothered i will put your post on some biker websites and then link it to your i,p address.

Good day to you all.

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I think you are probably right but there is a limit to what can be done in respect of safety or more apptly that can be done within the constraints that I expect that are set.


The priority in this is probably that nothing should be done that will affect or upset the visiting bikers etc rather than safety isuues. Provided that is the case then matters can be introduced that will hopefully improve safety. If safety was the top priority then I am sure other measures could be introduced but these might have a detremental effect on visitors. e.g strictly controlled speed limits, possibly one way anti clockwise etc. But these would directly impinge on the TT and the visitor and that is the one thing that is sacrosanct.


I understand this but because I do so it is why I can peeved off that the politicians etc can not come out and say so. i.e. we will do what we can to improve safety provided it does not affect the visitor. Instead they mutter about safety as if it is the No.1 factor when I do not believe it is the case. Or in the case of Hannay this morning when asked about those who disagreed about the course being one way replied that the main objections were on the grounds of inconvenience. From what I have seen & read the main objections appear t not to be a question of inconvenience but that it is not believed making it one way will make it any safer.


As in your case I hope I am wrong but I am concerned




I do not think the goverments decision solves a problem it just moves it.


I hope i am wrong.

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I bet anyone in need of an organ transplant is well chuffed. There should be plenty to go round come June



I personally find the top quote offensive and sick.How you can make light of somebody losing there life is beyond me.You are a sick fucking idiot and if i can be bothered i will put your post on some biker websites and then link it to your i,p address.

Good day to you all.

Wow, you can get his IP address just from his post.


You're good man.


Real good.

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It follows that 19,000 Bikers need to get back to Ramsey to once again take another blast across there Goverment Licensed Racetrack (Sorry meant Safer One Way System)





Finally when we have the enevitable accident on the mountain and the road is shut for the standard minimum 3 hours while the tape measures are out all the bikes who have filtered north to use the one way system will have to make there way back to douglas etc going head on into all the traffic still heading up to Ramsey because they have not listened to there radio's.


Make your mind up!


Personally I think it is a very good move by the Government. I think anyone who drives against the flow over the mountain during the TT is mad - totally. I very rarely go against the flow at any time of the year on any part of the course, but during the TT is a no, no. Enforcing this across the mountain is a very good thing.

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I bet anyone in need of an organ transplant is well chuffed. There should be plenty to go round come June



I personally find the top quote offensive and sick.How you can make light of somebody losing there life is beyond me.You are a sick fucking idiot and if i can be bothered i will put your post on some biker websites and then link it to your i,p address.

Good day to you all.


Do be quiet, dear.

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If the minority of idiots that live on the rock insist on going the opposite way across the mountain during TT week then there will be head on accidents.Therefore the DOT has done the right thing in removing there right to do so.

And as for getting the ip address from the post,that is not what i said .Read it properly.And as for being quiet,no chance,as long as people think somebody dying is humorous then i will keep blabbing on.

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....blah..... blah.......And as for getting the ip address from the post,that is not what i said .Read it properly.......blah....blah..


if i can be bothered i will put your post on some biker websites and then link it to your i,p address.

It appears to be exactly what you said.


as long as people think somebody dying is humorous then i will keep blabbing on.

Where did the poster infer it was humorous? The point was that there will likely be an influx of available organs from additional deaths. It's a valid point. Like it or not.

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Some may find them "offensive and sick" but I find it difficult to get on my high horse on the matter when the IoM actively promotes a festival where you can be very sure several of the partcipants and the spectators will either directly or indirectly die or be very very severely injured as a result.


I do not understand why you seem to be offended by such remarks but not that the event will actually result in death and injury as a consequence.



Every time there is a death during either tt fortnight our mgp it sickens me.Having lost a close friend recently due to a car being on the wrong side of the road i find it offensive that some people choose to make light of bike fatalitys.I applaud the steps that the festival organisers have taken over the last couple of years to improve safety but i also beleive that this years tt could well be the nail in the coffin due to the minority of bikers who choose to ride like idiots.

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So it is the "idots" who go the opposite way across the mountain who are responsible for the head on acidents and not the bikers over doinging it and being on the wrong side of the road?


I agree that many will find somebody dying not humerous, although there are always plenty of "sick" jokes about any such event or tradgedy. Many also argue that the death rate and serious accident toll of the TT is not something that should these days be associated with sport. You do. Whether I agree I do understand the reasoning in both cases but if I had to get in a moral argument with a relative of somebody directly affected who was critical that I took enjoyment from either a "sick" TT joke or a sport with an anticipated high risk of accidents and fatalities I know which i would fell more comfortable defending.




If the minority of idiots that live on the rock insist on going the opposite way across the mountain during TT week then there will be head on accidents.Therefore the DOT has done the right thing in removing there right to do so.

And as for getting the ip address from the post,that is not what i said .Read it properly.And as for being quiet,no chance,as long as people think somebody dying is humorous then i will keep blabbing on.

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Presumably although the deaths sicken you you remain a supporter of the event and believe that they are at a number which is acceptable considering the event and the risks. i.e. your enjoyment overides you upset by the deaths. Or are you so sickened by the deaths that you believe deaths makes the event unsustaiable?


I have a view but what I do not understand is that you seem very concerned about a joke which although in poor taste and potentailly may upset but hurt no one but less so about the deaths which resulted in the Joke. I would just have thout that if you find the joke offensive you would have found the event resulting in the Joke and deaths offensive and would be against both.


Every time there is a death during either tt fortnight our mgp it sickens me.
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Presumably although the deaths sicken you you remain a supporter of the event and believe that they are at a number which is acceptable considering the event and the risks. i.e. your enjoyment overides you upset by the deaths. Or are you so sickened by the deaths that you believe deaths makes the event unsustaiable?


Well heres a shocker i used to be a supporter of the event but since leaving the Island and looking at it from a different point of view i no longer believe that there is a place for an event that is so inherently dangerous.But then again as long as the event is still running then every effort should be made to make it as safe as possible for competitors and specators alike.

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