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[BBC News] One-way plan decided for TT road


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I just love the fact that whatever the govt had decided they'd be wrong.


If they had left it two way people would have complained so they make it one way and people have complained.


Its a hiding to nothing working for govt. A hiding to nothing.

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I just love the fact that whatever the govt had decided they'd be wrong.


If they had left it two way people would have complained so they make it one way and people have complained.


Its a hiding to nothing working for govt. A hiding to nothing.


I think people were more worried it was Bruce Hannay's idea. Now it seems to be endorsed by the emergency services and the marshalls I think people are more relaxed. I still think its wrong.


Nobody wants death and carnage for TT Week and whatever happens will be wrong. I think this decision is wrong but I pray with all my heart that its me that's got it wrong and that it will make all roads safer.

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Ok then hands up which nutters go the other way over the mountain on TT fortnight ?


You have to be tapped to even think about going against the traffic on TT.


To be honest with you i think the emergency services do a fantastic job at the toughest time of the year and they all say it would save lives.


As for that comment about banning the TT due to safety grounds what a load of cr@p, these guys risk their lives and they do it out of choice.


There is more people killed doing everest every year than what happens on TT.


All i am saying is lets see how this works out and if it works great.


I am a loyal TT fan and love everything about it, if you are from the UK and bang on about the TT and how it puts you out maybe you should accept it happens every year and go on holiday for the 2 weeks.

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I was not going to comment on this thread again but I think thst some of the points are aimed at me.


I was not advocating banning the TT on safety grounds except to hghlight that whilst one poster in effect stated that he found every death sickening and appalling they did not find them so appalling that they wanted the TT stopped. I was trying to highlight that whilst anybody would have sympathy towards the relatives of anybody who died or was seriously injured if you were really sickened by such events surely that would effect you support of the event. I am sorry but if I felt on a personnal basis that badly about each death I could not be on the side lines supporting.


The deaths on Everest up to 2004 totalled 179. For the TT the statistics are very hard to find although I expect them to be similar numbers. I would contend there is a difference in the two events. Firstly there are much greater numbers on Everest for a longer time. This year 60 expeditions are going up and in 2004 300 people reached the summit. You probably therefore have over a thousand people on the mountain for over a month.


The other big difference to me is that the TT is an event for Tourism and spectators and that is what would trouble me more. i.e. you put on an event to attract people to the event that you are are aware that people will probably die and be very serioulsy injured. And yes I except the participants know the risks. I would also guess that very serious injuries are much less frequent on Everest as there are no air ambulances to recue you.


Everest is also done by people for themselves and nobody else and as such I would compare it to those going around the TT course at any time. They do because it is there and they know the challenge and the risks.


The above does not mean the TT should be banned I just think that we should be honest and upfront about the consequences. At times it appears that mentioing the deaths around the TT is akin to mentioing Macbeth on stage. I would it shouted from the roof tops and I understand why it is an uncomfertable subject but sometimes I feel that people are very embarrassed by it and do not want it mentioned. In this respect I think it is wrong that there is not some small comemrative on the course or elsewhere to those that have died over the years. Nothing like the war memorial but a simple list of riders where people could come and pay respects rather than leave flowers all round the course. A bit like the memorial at Anfield in respect of Hillsborough. Maybe it could be in a quite corner in a garden outside a TT museum if it ever gets built



As for that comment about banning the TT due to safety grounds what a load of cr@p, these guys risk their lives and they do it out of choice.


There is more people killed doing everest every year than what happens on TT.


All i am saying is lets see how this works out and if it works great.


I am a loyal TT fan and love everything about it, if you are from the UK and bang on about the TT and how it puts you out maybe you should accept it happens every year and go on holiday for the 2 weeks.

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They have said that the course will be policed at night time but I can see someone belting around the mountain at nighttime, crashing and sliding off the edge - only to be discovered the next morning (if they are lucky)...


My suggestion would be to close the Mountain Road to the public from 22:00 until 07:00 each night. Would only need a few Police officers to patrol it.

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As for that comment about banning the TT due to safety grounds what a load of cr@p, these guys risk their lives and they do it out of choice.


There is more people killed doing everest every year than what happens on TT.


Exactly - its a point that could be made to anything really. More people get killed horse riding than in the TT - in fact, I bet more people get killed horse riding every year than the whole of the motorsport scene in the UK put together!


Id also like to point out that you dont get the same problems in Ireland with the road racers every year, riders get hurt and killed but there isnt the annual cry in arms about it as there is over here!

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If you want the TT to continue when the debate is raised then that is the risk and issue that needs to be addressed. It is not that the TT which is on for two weeks a year and has a few hundred participants if that casuses less fatalities than skiing over a year when in comparison there are millions every week skiing.


Actually, ski racing and motorcycle racing have an awful lot in common. As you point out millions ski everyweek and most of these don't care at all that ski racing exists. Many more millions ride motorcycles of one type or another and don't care that motorcycle racing exists, let alone that the TT exists.


Like motorcycle racers, ski racers have to be licensed to race (for insurance purposes). As far as televised events are concerned, the safe ski races are widely shown. Even then you usually see a handful of crashes in each race. Mostly they don't get hurt but it is common for them to be helicoptered off the piste. The less safe races are often not shown because of the extreme danger and likelyhood of injury or death, literally. However, since snowboarding has become popular these events are shown more often. The problem is that people see this and decide to have a go themselves, not professional skiers/riders but the average guy, and he is likely to really get hurt or die.


Basically, there are a few thousand professional, internationally licensed ski racers in the world who do a great job. But there are millions of numpties (like me) who want to emulate them. Anything that can be done to make them safer should be welcomed.

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Exactly - its a point that could be made to anything really. More people get killed horse riding than in the TT - in fact, I bet more people get killed horse riding every year than the whole of the motorsport scene in the UK put together!

If 1% of all competitors to a horse racing meet exited the meet in a body bag then I suspect the events would rapidly be stopped - this death rate appears to be considered acceptable for M/C road racing on the Island - from comments here it would seem that opinions differ as to whether this is an acceptable causuality rate.

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Exactly - its a point that could be made to anything really. More people get killed horse riding than in the TT - in fact, I bet more people get killed horse riding every year than the whole of the motorsport scene in the UK put together!

If 1% of all competitors to a horse racing meet exited the meet in a body bag then I suspect the events would rapidly be stopped - this death rate appears to be considered acceptable for M/C road racing on the Island - from comments here it would seem that opinions differ as to whether this is an acceptable causuality rate.


There are not many horse race meetings which last a fortnight and have a full programme of events every day. This would bring the true casualty rate to a fraction of 1%.

Statistics can be twisted whichever way we like. The TT and events like it satisfiy man's search for adventure and danger, without it we are no better than sheep!

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Exactly - its a point that could be made to anything really. More people get killed horse riding than in the TT - in fact, I bet more people get killed horse riding every year than the whole of the motorsport scene in the UK put together!

If 1% of all competitors to a horse racing meet exited the meet in a body bag then I suspect the events would rapidly be stopped - this death rate appears to be considered acceptable for M/C road racing on the Island - from comments here it would seem that opinions differ as to whether this is an acceptable causuality rate.


Please note that I said "Horse Riding" not just competing.

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The TT and events like it satisfiy man's search for adventure and danger, without it we are no better than sheep!


What overromantic claptrap.


What a tiny mind!


Just ignore the trolling moron.

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