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Hsbc - The World's Local C**ts

Speckled Frost

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Living in the Dark Ages? Maybe. Maybe not. It is the banking industry that is still in the dark ages.


I can't imagine any other business that gets away with regularly insulting, punishing and reducing services whilst increasing its charges to its paying customer in the way that the banking 'industry' does.


To be honest I don't think that their levels of savings etc, that would raise one's level to that of 'Premier Customer' don't seem particularly high.


It's their snooty, snobby, sneery little attitude that I find so offensive.


One lot of the branch's customers get increased services whilst the others get no services at all! I don't see that as acceptable treatement of people generally, never mind paying customers.


Their total disregard of their less financially comfortable customers, as illustrated by

Other customers will have to visit nearby branches in Poole or Westbourne, although they will still be able to deposit and withdraw funds from cash machines at Canford Cliffs, which does not have a cashier service.


Banks, their attitudes and their Managers just aren't what they used to be.


Bring back the Marina Branch.

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Last time I went into HSBC in Douglas, about a month ago, there were three members of staff herding people towards various paying in/out/sideways machines, and just one 'normal' cashier on duty to deal with a long queue of us luddites. :(

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This is the new segmentation plan that HSBC has organised. It is about recognising that all customers are not equal and therefore require different levels of service. Those with the money get more attention because they make more money for the bank. In the end it is all about making money and that is all the bank is there to do. I hope LloydsTSB doesn't end up like that though. I didn't like that I could not withdraw cash from a HSBC branch without a cheque book. I don't have one with only having a Basic Bank Account. I don't like HSBC stores (branches) at all.

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