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[BBC News] Applicants wanted for Manx judge


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obviously a dispute as to the medical evidence, evidence of loss of earning, other intervening illness unconnected, a very slow Plaintiff somewhere.


I cannot comment further on the details you give. TRemember even after proving negligence then the amMount of loss has to be proved


Remember the IOM Courts have really good timetabling powers, if your victim is ready all he has to do is ask for a hearing date. If he is not asking for a hearing date then maybe he and his team are not ready


depends if UK barrister is acting as temporary advocate or as agent of IOM advocate


1st case no he has to wait


2md case he gets paid whatever legal aid has agreed as a payment on account, but the IOM Advocate gets nothing


Of course if a manx advocate or a uk barrister advise no case, or settle and legal aid agree and the victim does not accept then that is end of legal aid

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Heyy, all forum and Isle of Man people - - Dippity have an idea for you all


and it will make you all hapPy too.


and that is for Dippity to becom Deemster and I will be called


Deemster Dippity Doo



and when Deemster Dippity Doo has a big case he will say "Heyy, let us go outside on area outside court and clap and be happy and blow whistle and play bazooka and drum and sing the Dippity Doo song"


it go:


Dippity Doo, do, do

Dippity Dah, da, da

Dippity Doo Do Do

Dippity Tral la la la la h

la la la lahhh

da da de dahh

da da de da de da de dahhh


I have close friend (who you will all know or heard of anywhay I am sure) who is a 'happy' music man on Island and he will arrange tune and I will post it on forum so you can all sing the Dippity Doo song and whistle all day and be a happy person too.


But back to business. I promise if Dippity Doo become Deemster he will look after his friends especially. So I say be my friend and ask Governor and Queen and Judges and that to put Duippity Doo in Deemster post.


Lovely to see you all. I will be doing charity walk in Parish Pump this year so yiou will see me and I may be dressed up in colorful cloth !!! So you now I mean fun for a long way.



Also I promise to have gaily colored wig in court not grey or white and maybe red yellow and green (but I promise I don't take drug and smoke ganga as someone once said despite even if wig look like Bob Morley). All advocate must wear in my court coloured not black cloak. So all color ok such as pink and red and yellow as far as I am concerned anything go and this will make the world look at us as we are.


I am goig to consider my policy on being a Judge Deemster so I will come back and you can hoping say "Yeah, Dippity would be a Good bloke for post".


I did not do MHK this year, sorry for all friend who say "We will vote you in". But they did not think they would be in parade clapping but if it was atDouglas Carnival then no one would know any difference as it would only be the rest of the year that some would notice the party in the street.


Be back soon!!!!!

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They've only got one spare gown and a wig so it'll have to be someone about five foot four. From my experience I think they'll have difficulty finding an advocate who can talk AND bang a gavel at the same time.


On a serious note, I'd like to see a woman get the job.

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They've only got one spare gown and a wig so it'll have to be someone about five foot four. From my experience I think they'll have difficulty finding an advocate who can talk AND bang a gavel at the same time.


On a serious note, I'd like to see a woman get the job.


There aren't that many senior female lawyers about, are there? I suppose Sharon Roberts, the current President of the IOM Law Society, would be a good choice

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Why, because she is a female woman?


Ah well, I suppose the criteria has to be PC these days just to show we don't bitrch homosexuals anymore and stuff like that. Maybe such could be a better choice for a deemster, that is if it hasn't been done before.

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I found John Wright's post offensive and it displayed the pomposity and greed of the Manx Legal 'profession'


The problem with Legal aid, as with any other government funded service, NHS or Education is that Government os always fighting to keep down expenditure and the public always want to have more spent.
So how's about cutting the health budget and pouring more money to the paupers of Athol Street?


There have not been any reviews of rates for a long time, either pay to advocates, from £77 per hour min to £104 maximum
try finding out what others charge. eg Engineers, Architects, Doctors and Dentists.


£104 per hour!!! My heart bleeds for you.


.....to cover purchase of practice, repayment of Student loan, repayment of debt incurred whilst training, office rent, books, computers, payment of staff, payment of Pi insurance etc.
Oh you mean like other jobs and professions. MHBFY (that's a new one I just made up btw, see above)


An employed junior advocate will probably manage 1100 billable hours, research time is not recoverable or paid for nor is administration. That is an income of £85,000. They will be paid £35,000, after a 3 year degree, a one year professional training course and a two or three year apprenticeship. Employers NI adds another £4,000 and a secretary ads £13,000 gross. Their share of PI will be about £4,000 and then there are shared or common services, share of receptionist and telephone, heat, light and power copier system and computer system, say another £10,000. There is then a basic room say 12x12 at 15 per sq foot £2,000 and a share of all the common aras at the same rate, another 1,000.


Without accidents and wirthout books and computer research resources the total is £69,000. Add another £6,000 for the office back up. You are now at £75,000, a slim £10,0000 profit for the partners, if all goes well. Have a month off sick or have a part bill disallowed and its gone.
You are starting to 'av a larf' here aren't you. It's a bit like one of those 'amusing' office timetable posters where you add up all the days in the year - some for sick, some for holidays, some for tea breaks and lunches etc. and it shows we only actually work 20 days a year or whatever it is.


No I am not trying tio plead poverty.

Er, no.

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Why, because she is a female woman?


Ah well, I suppose the criteria has to be PC these days just to show we don't bitrch homosexuals anymore and stuff like that. Maybe such could be a better choice for a deemster, that is if it hasn't been done before.

No not from a PC point of view - of course they should go for the best candidate everytime.


I just think the world would be a safer and better place if women were in charge. Amazonian types prefererably or all dressed like 'Wonder-Woman'

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I'd be quite interested to hear what John Wright's views are on allowing English solicitors to requalify over here. As I understand it, a Manx Advocate can qualify as an English solicitor just by writing in and paying a cheque, whereas the other way round an English solicitor has to do two years articles and the Manx bar exams. Surely that keeps the number of suppliers of legal services low, and the price high. It surely can't be the case that Manx Advocates are so good that they should be entitled to practise in England, but not the other way round

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I'd be quite interested to hear what John Wright's views are on allowing English solicitors to requalify over here. As I understand it, a Manx Advocate can qualify as an English solicitor just by writing in and paying a cheque, whereas the other way round an English solicitor has to do two years articles and the Manx bar exams. Surely that keeps the number of suppliers of legal services low, and the price high. It surely can't be the case that Manx Advocates are so good that they should be entitled to practise in England, but not the other way round


If English solicitors/barristers have been qualified for a certain length of time (5yrs?), they only have to do one year of articles/training during which they have to pass their Manx bar exams.


Are you saying English solicitors should be able to practive as advocates without proving competence in manx law, simply to 'open up the market'? I note the comment from John Wright that there is nothing to stop people advising on the law, rather that there are are certain things non-advocates can't do, so to that extent the market is open. As it is, I think it's an anomaly worth preserving. If you're concerned about opening up the market for advocates, then isn't removing the 'easy' qualification as a solicitor in England and Wales a disincentive to be an advocate, thereby discouraging competition amongst advocates?


Those who seek to qualify as Manx advocates have almost invariably already done so via qualifying English law degrees (contract, tort, crime, public/administrative law etc.) and post graduate professional/vocational training based on English law. They have to pass exams in Manx law on top during two years of articles and after that can apply to be a solicitor.


BTW, the rates charged in the Island are broadly reflective of those in the UK, depnding on the type of work being undertaken and baring in mind the differences on office overheads, staff pay etc.:



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I note the comment from John Wright that there is nothing to stop people advising on the law, rather that there are are certain things non-advocates can't do,


i think if you stand as a mckenzie friend you can do all that an advocate could do.

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i would be intrested to know who is the lawyer thats put 7 years into a case that may not bear fruit. i am sure all the other Manx Advocates know .

cash must be really good on the cases that payout


i would also like to know the name off the goverments Advocate being "Justice delayed is justice denied." ty for that pragmatopian


my advice is if its gone on 7 years its not cut and dry.i would make a appointment to see max clifford see if the story is worth cash if it is. go were the loot is.


and if you have been crimminaly injured by the manx goverment or servents we all deserve to know

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