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[BBC News] Applicants wanted for Manx judge


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So what sort of qualities should a Deemster have?


That sounds a stupid question at first doesn't it, but seriously what sort of person do you think should have ultimate power on this Island? Well, apart from the Governor as the Queen's rep, but still a mighty, mighty powerful and untouchable person it seems.


Should it matter if they have a 'dodgy' past or do we accept that all of the legal profession have probably delved into the moral grey area?

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Think i'll apply,


can anyone give me some lessons in corruption and a membership form for the old boys network please?


or if I was just a plain old busy body out of touch with modern life i'll settle for the post of magistrate.



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Think i'll apply,


can anyone give me some lessons in corruption and a membership form for the old boys network please?


or if I was just a plain old busy body out of touch with modern life i'll settle for the post of magistrate.




From my own (professional) experiences this post hits the nail on the head. The smiley should be removed though. Unless it was put there as a kind of safety, just-in-case-I get-sued-by-the-brotherhood-of-deemsters, "I was obviously only being facetious", type of thing.














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I will reply about legal aid in due course when I have time


I know lawyers have low stock with the rest of humanity but perhaps you could tell me, as I am not an insider


Of the Two Deemsters, Deputy Deemster, Attorney General, Governmnet Advocate, High Bailiff and Deputy High Bailiff


How many are in old boys networks, and which ones? The majority did not attend King Bills (maybe two out of seven), I don't know that any are in the Masons, are we talking Buffaloes or Methodists or secret readers of this forum?


Or s it that they belong(ed) to the IOM Law Society, hardly secret, hardly old boy?


What corruption do you allege or is just you don't agree with some decisions thay have taken

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I will further reply in due course


I will reply about legal aid in due course when I have time


I know lawyers have low stock with the rest of humanity but perhaps you could tell me, as I am not an insider


Of the Two Deemsters, Deputy Deemster, Attorney General, Governmnet Advocate, High Bailiff and Deputy High Bailiff


How many are in old boys networks, and which ones? The majority did not attend King Bills (maybe two out of seven), I don't know that any are in the Masons, are we talking Buffaloes or Methodists or secret readers of this forum?


Or s it that they belong(ed) to the IOM Law Society, hardly secret, hardly old boy?


What corruption do you allege or is just you don't agree with some decisions thay have taken


2nd Deemster Doyle and Attorney General are ex King Williams College.


They are all* very much associated with the Isle of Man Law Society and therein of course lies at least a perceived problem. Quite simply they are far too close to their ex-colleagues and muckers. Not quite sure what the answer is although the status quo, in my book is not proper.


I personally have heard some horrendous tales of Advocates professionalism or lack thereof, on this Island. In fact, it turns out that one of the more serious cases related to me involved an advocate who represents/ed the Isle of Man Law Society in court. Hardly going to be a fair investigation there, hardly old boy?



*word added in edit, and typo

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Thye hardly have any invlovement with the law society, 5 are not even members, one has never been a member.


Any way what does the society do?


It has no real disciplinary function, that is the ADT, a government body

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I wpouldn't disagree, and he should be tough.


Mr Moyle threatened to put me in the cells for contempt once, when I made an application he thought I shouldn't, I persisted and won, and didn't go to the cells.


Its not all, or any, back scratching.

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