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Full-on! Fridays 5th Birthday

Deejay Denzel

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Well they say 5 years in clubland is a hell of a long time to have survived, it feels a hell of a long time for those of us involved but the date is fast approaching and we have enjoyed every last minute of it.

From the days of the cave with the long walks home from said venue, when clubs closed at 2am, when you could get away with sleeping for hours in the backroom, falling down those massive cave stairs and good old neville in the cloakroom we have come along way, nowhere on earth can beat the atmosphere we had at the cave but still we press on with providing quality dance nights with whatever we are dealt with.


So Friday 5th November we are throwing a bash that is to thank all our friends and colleagues for attending and helping us along the way. without the clubbing public there is no dance scene and we certainly wouldn't be around if it wasn't for you lot.


On the night..... we blend our popular Euphoria night with the flavourings of a birthday bash. Not saying too much about whats instore yet but we can reveal all for the usual admission price of £4.


Once again thanks for your support.

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Just over a week to go, i've found shed loads of old photo's from the "good old cave days" wish i could get them all printed out but it would cost a fortune and take some time. anyone who remembers any pics of them can look through our sites archive but there are a few more which i'll try and get up.

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Some early pictures here - check out the very young looking Ricky Rooney - notice how many of the regulars who went then are still going now!


Pictures in there of Lee Dagger, Daniel Soto, AJ Gibson plus a couple of movies shot by Lee Dagger at the Moneypennies night.


Enjoy and see you on Friday...

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