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At Least 25 Dead In American School Shooting


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Today is one of the most important days of the year for gun owners. The start of the NRA Annual Meetings is both a celebration of freedom and a rally for the Second Amendment, but it's also a show of force by gun owners to the enemies of freedom everywhere.


As tens of thousands of freedom-loving Americans descend on St. Louis, the anti-gunners are doing everything they can to chip away at your rights.





We just need Charlton Heston banging on about how cool guns are now.....

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Where there many killed in friendly fire? Seems to be the US's standard MO in any situation these days.


I shall not cast aspersions, but the 9mm isn't generally the US firearm of choice, they seem to go for something a with a little more "ooomph" and ability to cause destruction ;)


Still, tragic enough as it is. First reports were that the gunman had been apprehended, but apparently he took his life, a la Harris and Klebold.


This picture was caught by a college student and posted on another website of the gunman



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I keep hearing how shocked American are at what happened.




Every country has part of the population that at one time during their life are mentally unstable, but in the USA they can have guns and be mentally unstable at the same time. Not a good mixture at all


I'm sorry for those killed and the friends and family they've left, but it won't be the last time this happens in the USA, not while gun ownership is 1 in 3 in some states.

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I too was curious as to how the guy managed to get himself and his (according to eye witnesses) immense arsenal across 600m of campus from the dorm to the engineering class whilst the police were there. Maybe there were 2 gunmen, I'm sure it'll become clear soon enough.


The truely distrubing thing if there was the one gunman is that (BBC) 2 people were killed in the 7:15 shooting and 31 in the 9:15 shooting. I have a feeling that the relaxed gun laws and the fact that the National Rifle Association HQ is in Virginia will be swept to one side and the college/local law enforcement blamed for gross mismanagement of a situation where such loss of life could've been avoided if the suspect had been apprehended or the campus shut down after the first shooting.

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I too was curious as to how the guy managed to get himself and his (according to eye witnesses) immense arsenal across 600m of campus from the dorm to the engineering class whilst the police were there. Maybe there were 2 gunmen, I'm sure it'll become clear soon enough.

There were 25,000 people all around his age at the campus. Wouldn't be too hard to hide amongst that lot and carry a rucksack with books, guns (apparently hand guns were used) and ammunition in it.

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I too was curious as to how the guy managed to get himself and his (according to eye witnesses) immense arsenal across 600m of campus from the dorm to the engineering class whilst the police were there. Maybe there were 2 gunmen, I'm sure it'll become clear soon enough.

There were 25,000 people all around his age at the campus. Wouldn't be too hard to hide amongst that lot and carry a rucksack with books, guns (apparently hand guns were used) and ammunition in it.


I can imagine the NRA's response already - give every student a gun to defend themselves!

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