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At Least 25 Dead In American School Shooting


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This two hour gap between the first and second shooting incidents seems very strange. American radio has reported that there may well have been two shooters.






This man was arrested after the morning shooting.


So, who was the second shooter and more to the point why are the police being so evasive over the number and identity of the shooters?


The lesson of today's tragedy is simple.


The police cannot protect american citizens.


Gun bans cannot protect them.


Only THEMSELVES can protect them.


The taxes the government takes with the promise of being able to protect american citizens are money taken under false pretenses. Far more crimes are dealt with by private citizens with legally owned firearms than by the police.

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I can imagine the NRA's response already - give every student a gun to defend themselves!

Spot on there, matty:


"When will we learn that being defenseless is a bad defense?" asked Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America.


"All the school shootings that have ended abruptly in the last ten years were stopped because a law-abiding citizen -- a potential victim -- had a gun," Pratt said.


"The latest school shooting demands an immediate end to the gun-free zone law which leaves the nation's schools at the mercy of madmen. It is irresponsibly dangerous to tell citizens that they may not have guns at schools. The Virginia Tech shooting shows that killers have no concern about a gun ban when murder is in their hearts. Full Article


And this bit's from the NRA website:


Boston Mayor Tom Menino's calling for a ban on all semi-automatic firearms. Mr. Mayor, we've already seen what that has done for England and crime there. Why would you insist on disarming law-abiding Americans? Menino and his cohort Michael Bloomberg want to turn millions of Americans into instant criminals. But when we gather in St. Louis, we show them we won't be pushed around.


This sort of warped logic is simply beyond belief..... :blink:

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The taxes the government takes with the promise of being able to protect american citizens are money taken under false pretenses. Far more crimes are dealt with by private citizens with legally owned firearms than by the police.


Idiot. When was the last time you saw someone go on a gun rampage in a european school?

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This sort of warped logic is simply beyond belief..... :blink:


It is quite shocking.


So you witness one student (in self defence) shoot another student (the mass murderer). Do you then shoot the first student. Will someonel then shoot you? Is it some macarbe game of last man standing?

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"Going Postal" isn't just about the fact that US citizens can legally purchase firearms......


You can buy guns in a lot of countries, the UK included.


I know, but elsewhere there are generally checks on who is buying the guns and limits on what type of guns you can buy


Around 40% of guns sold in America are with no checks at all on the purchaser, in what's known as the "gun show loophole"

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The taxes the government takes with the promise of being able to protect american citizens are money taken under false pretenses. Far more crimes are dealt with by private citizens with legally owned firearms than by the police.


Idiot. When was the last time you saw someone go on a gun rampage in a european school?

Last time I checked Dunblain was part of Europe.


While not in school, someone shot lots of politicians in Switzerland recently: Here's A Link.


And recently in a bar an idiot shot all he could find - killed only one though. This sort of thing is sadly quite common here.

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Idiot. When was the last time you saw someone go on a gun rampage in a european school?

Last time I checked Dunblain was part of Europe.

Erfurt is in Europe as well, although such occurences are thankfully extremely rare..


And recently in a bar an idiot shot all he could find - killed only one though. This sort of thing is sadly quite common here.

Something to do with Swiss soldiers being allowed to take their gun/rifle home after the end of their active service, or something? Remember quite a few stories

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And recently in a bar an idiot shot all he could find - killed only one though. This sort of thing is sadly quite common here.

Something to do with Swiss soldiers being allowed to take their gun/rifle home after the end of their active service, or something? Remember quite a few stories

I think they keep it at home while on stand-by or something, all rather daft as biggest threat seems to be speeding motorists from the north heading to Italy as fast as possible :ph34r: .

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Perhaps less to do with 'gun law' and rather more to do with 'gun culture.'

Can you imagine any other country in the civilized world where someone advocating that every student should be allowed to carry a gun to school wouldn't be locked up as a complete nutter?

Remember the old saying? America is a country that has gone from infancy to senility without ever reaching maturity.

A sad day, indeed - but we all know that it won't be the last.

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Perhaps less to do with 'gun law' and rather more to do with 'gun culture.'

Can you imagine any other country in the civilized world where someone advocating that every student should be allowed to carry a gun to school wouldn't be locked up as a complete nutter?

Remember the old saying? America is a country that has gone from infancy to senility without ever reaching maturity.

A sad day, indeed - but we all know that it won't be the last.


For once, I agree with you 100%

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This is such a tragic event brought home to me a little bit more as one of the American students i know at Keele is on a sandwich year from VT, she spent most of yesterday frantically trying to get in touch with everyone she could to find out how they were. My thoughts go out to all of those involved and their families.


As an aside, America has had over 20 school shootings since 1996...the second highest number of school shootings is Germany who have had 3. I don't think there can be any argument that America's lax gun laws contribute greatly to that figure.

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The press is currenlty reporting the failure of the university to go into "lock down".


For me this is an impossible situation - with the size of the US campuses it would be like trying to get everyone in Douglas to stay in side - the area and the population involved are not so different - and the population of Douglas is probably more static than students moving to different lectures etc.


It is a sad reality that individual murders happen in the US with frightenning regularity - if the police/authorities tried to lock down a huge area every time something like this happened, in case it became a more wide spread massacre there would be paralysis.


The rantings of the NRA are frightenning - the state has to have a monopoly on force - it is the break down of this fact that sustains the gun culture in the US and allows the NRA to prey on people's fears of violence.

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A terrible thing but even if at this point the americans decided that all those guns floating around is a bad idea & did something, how could they do anything about it now?

Even if they did, and had an amnesty there would be zillions of guns still knocking about that dodgy people would simply not hand in.


It's a rediculous situation there but I'm not sure what they can do to improve it given the vast number of unknown firearms already. :(

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