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David Cannan Talk To Pag

Charles Flynn

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All this talk about doing away with Legislative Council and having 32 popularly elected MHKs and replacing with a revising committee is one thing. But if there is going to be a change to the constitution lets go for it:



Aye, do away with the Legislative Council (you got that bit right) and just leave the 24 MHKs and out of them you have a revising committee, which would include the Bishop if need be, and the Attorney General, and the President of Tynwald or The Speaker maybe.


But for a population of 80,000 or even 100,000, to have 32 MHKs is rather excessive.


I appreciate that the Legislative Council members sit on committees etc. and do some other stuff, but tomorrow they have the following item to consider (oh, and have a photo took):




A Revising Committee would exclude Council of Ministers as most Bills are derived from that select group. with 24 MHKs to choose from along with 3 ex-officio, there is plenty to choose from.

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With a photograph at 2pm, followed by that one agenda item it will be a long afternoon.


When they photograph MHKs, the photographer doesn't get them to say 'cheese' - he holds up an MHK payslip to get them all smiling, and usually they don't stop laughing for about two hours.

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It was a good meeting and David Cannan's history of the Manx electoral system and Legislative Council was very interesting. The alternatives amendments to David Cannan's Constitution bill by Martyn Quayle and Peter Karran were also discussed.


There were plenty of questions and discussion at the end.


Personally I see no need for an 11 seat Legislative Council, if any at all.


I would like to see a report into exactly how the Legislative Council have ever acted as a check for the House of Keys. OK the 11 of them may have found a clause that said 'should' instead of 'shall' but it don't take 11 highly paid to do that sort of thing.


There was much talk of Bi-cameral, Uni-cameral parliamentaryl systems (wiki on bi-cameral) in order for check and balances to be in place.


Our very own Home of Rest for Old MHKs seems to be largely superfluous.


We do have a check on our legislation and that is Westminster.


I would like to offer myself forward for the next round of voting for the vacant MLC seatn but only if I can keep my hair.


And my glasses on at all times.


That should do quite nicely.

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Guest ravabelli

Empress are refurbishing the restaurant so using meeting rooms for residents meals.


Freemasons was available, cheaper than Empress and has car park.


Didn't have to roll my trouser leg or borrow an apron to gain entrance so venue wasn't a problem.


Cannan made a good punt for his Bill. No more complicated than Quayle's amendments but at least the original bill would have got rid of the combination of multi and single member constituencies which isn't truly democratic. Reluctantly support the bill as it stands as an improvement, but we do have to wait until 2013....


See report in Manx Herald - http://www.manxherald.com/News/14.html



Sorry only accessed site now. Roger Tomlinson is Chair of the Positve Action Group and is involved in several environmental organisations such as Zero Waste Man.


I have no more information on David Cannan's talk or why the Freemason's Hall is being used. I have simply put the info such as it is on this website.



From Positiver Action Group Website


Chairman: Roger Tomlinson

Secretary: Jeff Garland

Treasurer: Joe Duffy


The Freemason's hall will probably be used because of the expense of using the Empress. Joe Duffy (Treasurer) has Freemasonic connections and has probably suggested the venue.

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