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Should Chavs Be Sterilized?


Should chavs be sterilized?  

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I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with the sterilization thing, but I seem to have captured the mood of the nation.


It is appalling though. Thank god they've had the sense to take the children away from these foul excuses for women.

The trouble is that British society has encouraged the breeding of these idiots and they are all over the UK, and fast becoming the majority in the UK. They are a malignant growth fed through benefits, housing (or housing benefit) or hefty tax credits paid for by hard working people. While hard-working and responsible people put off having kids until they can afford a roof over their heads, these pond life people take it for granted that they will be fed and housed - and they usually are.


I have lived and worked in many towns and cities in the UK, and these people are everywhere. They are almost savages who know little, care even less, respect nothing and are of no use to either themselves or anybody else. They are also noisy, violent, rude and foul-mouthed, and all they know is to follow their animal instincts to procreate.


These delinquent parents are the grown up delinquent children of the eighties and nineties, and the reliance on the benefit system has grown with them. Having never been shown the difference between right and wrong, they make up their own rules. Their kids are growing up to be feral because there are no restraints on them.


It is the benefit system that needs to be changed - not increased in order to reduce poverty. It is time to bring back corporal punishment in schools and teach them respect. These people are incentivised to 'not bovver' and there are no consequences for anything for them.


At this rate of breeding just imagine how many of them we are going to have to support in the future. I truly believe that we are experiencing the beginning of the collapse of British society.

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These delinquent parents are the grown up delinquent children of the eighties and nineties, and the reliance on the benefit system has grown with them. Having never been shown the difference between right and wrong, they make up their own rules. Their kids are growing up to be feral because there are no restraints on them.


It is the benefit system that needs to be changed - not increased in order to reduce poverty. It is time to bring back corporal punishment in schools and teach them respect. These people are incentivised to 'not bovver' and there are no consequences for anything for them.


you are right Albert, it is almost like the public are being cowed. let them drink themselves to an early death to keep them busy so they are 'not bovvered' about what is happening around them.


what i think should be done for starters is all the single unemployed mums that most are generally wasting on the drink, usually even taking the babies in the prams into the pubs, should be made to attend life skill lessons at least 4 times a week.


this should hopefully point them into the right direction as to how to deal with certain matters, problems etc. it would hopefully stop the downward spriral that is occuring on the island in relation to the kids. it should at the very least keep them out of the pubs.


if they then fail to turn up at the classes/meetings then they should have thier benefits cut down to the minimum. this should get them to attend, as they would not want to live on what the minimum payout for that bracket is.

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I never thought I would say this, but the return of National Service would be a very good solution to a lot of the problems in society. Most of these foul-mouthed drug taking scum who are in the minority but cause the majority of society's problems would get to know the real meaning of respect after two years in uniform.

Shit, I'm starting to sound like my Grandad.

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"After having their 11th child, a Liverpool couple decided that was

enough, as the social wouldn't buy them a bigger bed and they weren't strong

enough to nick one, the husband went to his doctor and told him that he and

his wife didn't want to have any more children.


The doctor told him there was a procedure called a vasectomy that would

fix the problem but it was expensive. A less costly alternative was to go

home, get a firework, light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to

his ear and count to 10.


The Scouser said to the doctor, "I may not be the smartest guy in the

world, but I don't see how putting a firework in a beer can next to my ear is

going to help me." "Trust me, it will do the job", said the doctor.


So the man went home, lit a banger and put it in a beer can. He held

the can up to his ear and began to count: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5," at which point he

paused, placed the beer can between his legs so he could continue counting on

his other hand...


This procedure also works in Birmingham, parts of Essex, Sunderland,

Aberdeen and anywhere in Wales."

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These delinquent parents are the grown up delinquent children of the eighties and nineties, and the reliance on the benefit system has grown with them. Having never been shown the difference between right and wrong, they make up their own rules. Their kids are growing up to be feral because there are no restraints on them.


It is the benefit system that needs to be changed - not increased in order to reduce poverty. It is time to bring back corporal punishment in schools and teach them respect. These people are incentivised to 'not bovver' and there are no consequences for anything for them.


you are right Albert, it is almost like the public are being cowed. let them drink themselves to an early death to keep them busy so they are 'not bovvered' about what is happening around them.


what i think should be done for starters is all the single unemployed mums that most are generally wasting on the drink, usually even taking the babies in the prams into the pubs, should be made to attend life skill lessons at least 4 times a week.


this should hopefully point them into the right direction as to how to deal with certain matters, problems etc. it would hopefully stop the downward spriral that is occuring on the island in relation to the kids. it should at the very least keep them out of the pubs.


if they then fail to turn up at the classes/meetings then they should have thier benefits cut down to the minimum. this should get them to attend, as they would not want to live on what the minimum payout for that bracket is.

People have a fundamental responsibility to behave and respect others in any society, so what I am about to say is not Nannyism - it is about an already failed system, it is about ensuring people gain the basic knowledge, skills and abilities to operate as even a basic member of society - and particularly: if they choose to sit on their ar*e and 'ride the system'; if they turn to criminality; or if they are the product of failed parenting.


I think there is a case, if people are on benefits for, say, over a year (and certainly where any criminality is involved, or very poor behaviour at school is observed) - to introduce a social worker into some of these people's lives for compulsory assessment (viewing a delinquent child as the product of a failed parent, and a delinquent parent as the parent of a likely failed child). It is only by the system actively getting involved with such people that we will get any remit for attempted change. Such assessments could be staged and deal with these types of problems - eventually including compulsory: life-skill lessons; parenting classes and job seeking etc. Some of the assessments could be relatively minor if the behaviour was seen as a one-off (simply offering advice), or more detailed if patterns were demonstrated (compulsory courses and programmes). Equally, the penal system should be about rehabilitation, and all of us need to get rid of this unfounded belief that simply building more prisons will solve the problem - when all prison does currently is 'solve' a single consequence only for a limited period of time - often producing a more canny, better equipped and sometimes drug taking criminal who is back on the street in a matter of months.


They should maybe even consider making 'Society and your role in it' (or something similar) as compulsory as Maths and English in school, so that every kid gains experience of at least one community project (preferably one community project a year after age 11). I also think the case for compulsory National Service (Military or social) has also been made - which could also include help (emphasising advice and behavioural standards - currently not given by failed parents) for people to be responsible and get jobs at the end of it - but if they didn't have a job to go to they would stay in it for the maximum e.g. up to three years (1 year if you have a job to go to - but straight back if the job does not last and you are still eligible to serve). That doesn't mean they have to be forced to stay away from home, as social service could always be done locally, such as helping at a comunnity centre, or even just cleaning streets or beaches.


There is a shop close to where I live always full of Chavs from one of the estates nearby to where I am staying. The UK national lottery has now raised £20 billion for good causes. If 28p in each pound spent goes to good causes then that's practically £80 billion paid in. You can guarantee that the rest of the population have, through benefits, subsidised Chavs playing the lottery to the tune of at least a few billion quid. They always seem to have money available for booze, fags and the lottery - even though most of their dirty-faced feral kids go around in rags or the latest knocked-off gear.


Most of this stuff was instilled in me as commonsense when I was a kid, with values such as: respect for others; the responsibility to get a job; not get drunk every other evening; don't blast loud music and think of the neighbours; don't gamble when you should be spending the money on food for your kids; as well as the right way to bring up kids. These values were further instilled by teachers and the local policeman. We are living with the consequences of the fundamental failure to acknowldege this, as well as the dissapearance of corporal punishment and the authority of teachers and the police, and if we don't at least attempt to try and do something about it then these problems will only get far worse and eventually become unfixable.

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this is how chavs educate there own children. they should be sentenced to fight each other




Did you even read this thread? Now what was the first posts link to........ You suck at internet forums nearly as much as conspiracy theories. Maybe your selective reading skills are shining through.

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this is how chavs educate there own children. they should be sentenced to fight each other




Did you even read this thread? Now what was the first posts link to........ You suck at internet forums nearly as much as conspiracy theories. Maybe your selective reading skills are shining through.


yes i read it slinky( but decided to do some internet fishing)


i was replying to the posts topic. let them fight

ill bet i they" aint bovered" by the sentence


You know when the MSM. or goverment is in trouble when they have to rehash old news, this was a couple of months back on the BBC and the tabloids, 15th Feb to be exact when the story broke and now it is being rehashed as new news when all it is, is an update about sentencing


after i have read my websites i pop in here to see what news is not being spoken about.

"lefty" newsbot who seems to spam any shite missed it then. and because his spam rate has risen sharply all last week . same spam on internatnal news. i wondered........ as albert posted on another topic what news is being buryed. prob the same news no other "lefty" will post as a topic . any ideas? because i am not going to post it due to my selective posting skills

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"lefty" newsbot who seems to spam any shite missed it then. and because his spam rate has risen sharply all last week . same spam on internatnal news. i wondered........ as albert posted on another topic what news is being buryed. prob the same news no other "lefty" will post as a topic . any ideas? because i am not going to post it due to my selective posting skills


Hear that guys? The automated computer script that posts news fromt he BB website is a lefty. Genius.

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I have a different take on the current social problems


I think the late night heavy drinking culture is more likely a product of lack of self respect, the same with teen pregnancies and benefit dependency, as well as violence


I'm not sure that its new either, I just think it wasn't reported or didn't impinge on those who consider thyemselves middle class. The recent BBC4 series on the Edwardians seemed to show more of the same.


It may have got worse becase it is reported and is visible


It isn't just now, or dating back to the 1980's. Some of the women convicted of child abuse were in their late '30's and early '40's. That takes us back to childhood and education in the '70's


How can anyone who was "not one of us" to quote Thatcher, who was vilified by the Tories between 1979 and 1996, whose parents were thrown out of work and whose economies were wrecked by the application of Conservative dogma be expected to respect society, which was for the most part denied to exist, or themselves. If they cannot do that then how can they be expected to respect anyone else


I am afraid we are now seeing the visiting upon us of the social legacy of Thatcherism. It will take yeras to undo, billions in damaged families and may be unstoppable. That adds on to 60's liberation, 1930's depression etc etc


WE may have it most because we are moving first into the post industrial eceonomy, something engineered by the monetarists, the same is happening in the States, with less welfare. Its the identification of, the definition of and the vilification of a perceived underclass


Its hard to turn back the clock, but maybe, just maybe it can be done with education at all stages of life.


There are several things we can be sure will make it worse. The first is the idea of national service, where they will be taught to kill, drink to huge excess and think it is an excuse for everything, obey orders blindly (not good for a democracy) and certainly not earn any self respect.


The second is to abandon whatever is left of our moral structure as a nation and put forward ideas of sterilisation against any group. It wasn't acceptable when the Nazis did it, it isn't now. It won't ever be, I hope. It's no different than the Protestants fearing being over run by the Catholics in Northern Ireland suggesting it. Substitute the hate focus of the moment such as Chav with black, gay, handicapped, christain, muslim etc etc and see how soon you come to the line beyond which you cannot cross.


The third is that we allow our press to glorify these people, all the "so called celeb magazines" then we love even more to see them fall. Why does this market exist? Why do we buy. Why is there a priurient interest in all this non sense.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying go back to the old values, whatever they were. I think we need to recognise how lucky we are, but that also, inspite of new labour there are still 1.7 million unemployed, a disastrous figure historically. How can they have respect, why won't they work. The Poles et al only fill jobs the Brits won't apply for. From this topic we don't afford them any respect, why should they respect back.


In the UK, and this post has to be about the UK, statistics show 60% are now economically middle class in terms of earnings, education and aspiration, but only 40 % recognise themselves as that. So what do we do about the 20% who, inspite of having arrived, still behave in a manner not to the liking of middle class society and the 40% who are still out there who haven't made it and probably never will and who behave as they have always done, to the disapproval of the middle classes.


And when was middle class morality correct ior have a superiority over the morality of any social group. Surely it is tiem for a debate about acceptable limits, because that is what we are talking about and IMHO compulsory state sponsored sterilisation is as off limits as child abuse

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how about low levels or arsenic impregnated into dole cheques, then slowly over time the more cheques that are handled the more the arsenic builds up in their systems until death, however if they get jobs and start making themselves useful members of society then they stop handling dole cheques and the levels of arsenic drop.


(obviously post office clerks, betting shop workers and off licence staff would be warned about the dangers)

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My father has maintained for years that the entire poulation should be sterilised and that anyone wishing to breed would have the reversal only after passing some kind of test.


I was never that keen on the idea until I spent several years livng in South London.


Brave New World anyone?

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Not chavs, per se, but sterilisation by postcode area would, I think, be a blunt but effective tool in social engineering.


So many areas in the UK are peopled by those who will never go to work. They're a burden on tax-paying society. They are in the third generation of state dependency in many areas now and the only contributions they make to society as a whole are detrimental - crime and higher taxes.


The schools in these areas pay lip service to education. They're very poor. The children don't expect to work. They are given no encouragement to do well at school by their parents.


Of course, not everyone in these areas - the underclass areas of the UK's big cities - is like this. As I said, sterilisation would be a blunt tool. A few goodies would be hit with the many baddies. But that's certainly a price worth paying. I'm not talking about extermination, after all. Just the inability to reproduce.


In 25 years' time, we could have reduced the "pointless population". Crime would drop significantly. We could have an effective, taxable population so taxes would plummet. The housing shortage would disappear as the population diminishes and decent, earning people move into the old underclass areas.


Worth thinking about?

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