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[BBC News] Road closed early for TT practice


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This may not go down too well in some quarters.


At the end of the day do we live in an Island or a race track?


You can't P1ss people off too much with road closures etc


Look at what happened to Cycle week plus other four-wheel events which are no longer with us.


The more people who come to live here who don't understand the nature of such things as the TT and road closures then the more difficult it will be to implent measures like this.

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I don't understand what Newsbot means, is it the Mountain Road, or the whole TT course which will be closed early?


By all means close the Mountain Road an hour earlier, but if they close the rest of the course it can be for no other reason than to piss people off.

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I don't understand what Newsbot means, is it the Mountain Road, or the whole TT course which will be closed early?


By all means close the Mountain Road an hour earlier, but if they close the rest of the course it can be for no other reason than to piss people off.


I think its mountain road, due to the extra time it will take to get marshalls ect in place to close the roads due to the mountain being one way . :blink: Can someone explain that to me ,i get confused easy :unsure:

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A lot of the Marshals are locals who work during the day and then go and marshal during the evening practices. Obviously a lot of them live/work in Douglas/South etc and would normally finish work, get changed and then drive up onto the mountain to their post. With the road being one-way, they can't do that and there isn't time for them to go all the way up the coastroad to Ramsey and then all the way over the mountain to their post. They simply won't do it and if you don't have enough marshals then the racing doesn't go ahead.


What will happen is that the marshals who are on the mountain part of the course will meet at Ramsey and the Creg-Ny-Baa (I think) and at 17:30 will be escorted over the mountain by the Police (the ones from the Creg will be going against the one-way system) and will peel off at their respective marshalling point. In order to do this, the Mountain section of the course will close at 17:00. This will give the DOT time to move all the cones and signs off the course and then for the marshals to get escorted over.


Does that explain it?

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This may not go down too well in some quarters.


At the end of the day do we live in an Island or a race track?


You can't P1ss people off too much with road closures etc


Look at what happened to Cycle week plus other four-wheel events which are no longer with us.


The more people who come to live here who don't understand the nature of such things as the TT and road closures then the more difficult it will be to implent measures like this.


A bit like moving to Naples and complaining about Volcanoes!

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They should have some kind of referendum on the TT, I think a lot of folks would be heartily glad to see the back of the stupid great waste of space.


My suggestion, given your views, you wait a couple of years, the tide is turning in your direction.


Presently, I see that locals are devided into three groups -


1. Those that love the T.T. and see it as an immutable centrepiece of Manx Life.

2. Those that hate it and want to see the back of it.

3. Those without strong feelings either way.


Now, I suspect group three to be the majoirty and by and large they go along with group one, because they enjoy the atmosphere, like the gigs, or the tent or whatever that goes along with the races themselves. And for them that outweighs the hassle T.T. brings, so basically it maintains a majority in favour.


However, if the hassle begins to outweigh the enjoyment they get from the event they'll swing into the anto-camp.


Personally, I haven't watched the races in twenty years, but normally I really enjoy T.T. and look forward to it. This year, however, I'm heartly sick of it already, the government and the press and people on here have been going on about it since before Christmas.


Yet what is it goling to be like?


1. From a musical perspective very little, of note, seems to be happening.

2. More people = longer queues at the bar.

3. More traffic means getting about my normal routine will be harder.


So basically, the positives have been reduced and the negatives increased. For what? Because the Government have decreed this is the "centenary" T.T. Well I hope this is a one-off (and not a prelude to the 100th Anniversary of the Mountain Circuit in 2011, and the 100th T.T. in about 2015), because it won't take too many years like this one promises to be for me to move into the anti-camp.

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I totally agree with everything Declan said.

People are swaying, I used to be a die hard TT fan but not anymore, I've swayed to just watching the racing now and with the amount of traffic expected this year I doubt it'll be moving for long and when that happens the locals will be totally pissed off with it all.

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TT2008, if it happens, will be much quieter - the all-Island speed limit will almost certainly have been introduced by then, no smoking in pubs will deter a certain type of clientle plus the growing lack of accomodation.

All it needs to be finished is a couple of bad accidents this year - possibly the pressure to break records in the centenary year could push some riders too far (I hope not) but poor weather could cause havoc, if not with the races, then with the wanabee visitors.

But the earlier posters are correct - the costs falling on the residents who derive little pleasure or profit from the event (and for example on school exams) will I think cause a rethink as to the future form of the TT.

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