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When Celebrities Go Mental

Mr. Sausages

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"Singer Sheryl Crow has said a ban on using too much toilet paper should be introduced to help the environment.


Crow has suggested using "only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where two to three could be required".


Presumable those "pesky occasions" when she has cling-ons that just won't give in to gravity, and she has to manually remove them, or with a slip of the elbow mistakenly wipes poo up her back.


Crow has also commented on her website about how she thinks paper napkins "represent the height of wastefulness".


She has designed a clothing line with what she calls a "dining sleeve".


The sleeve is detachable and can be replaced with another "dining sleeve" after the diner has used it to wipe his or her mouth.



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She's obviously a nutter.


I can't believe a rich popstar who probably wipes her arse with $100 notes thinks she can tell the rest of the world how to have a shit. If I had her address I might be insane enough to post a turd to her as a sign of my disgust.

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its all a build up for the "Sheryl Crow Dining Sleve" to hit the shops

A cunning invention...which saves toilet paper because you can also wipe your **** on it (as well as Sheryl Crow album sleeves!).


I bet she thinks IQ is something her fans have to do.

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From the look of her, she doesn't eat very much - perhaps explains why she thinks that one or two 'squares' of paper is enough.


I wonder if Larry David (who is on the same tour) is getting any ideas for a new show?

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