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[BBC News] Coroner's blast after drugs death


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To be exposed to recreational drugs, people of any class just need to go to any big night club in the UK, including the top night spots in London!

You can watch the resident dealer in action, quite blatant and amusing to watch!

That certainly does not happen on the Island!!

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To be exposed to recreational drugs, people of any class just need to go to any big night club in the UK, including the top night spots in London!

You can watch the resident dealer in action, quite blatant and amusing to watch!

That certainly does not happen on the Island!!

Conversely, our drugs squad are less than covert.


I went to the Paul Carrack concert TT week a few years back and stood at the far end of the bar (under cover as it rained). Our attention was drawn to a group of ill matched individuals who all drank pints of coke and seemed quite disinterested in the concert. I commented to my companion that they must be drug squad and we laughed as it was as plain as the nose on your face that they were badly 'undercover' cops. Anyway, a couple of days later we went to a party and, lo and behold if one of said coverts wasn't there as well, to be introduced to me as 'This is X, he is in the drug squad'. I replied that I did know him and had seen him at the concert, to which he looked a little startled that his cover had been blown!


Probably, no drugs being done that night, it was raining see!

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Conversely, our drugs squad are less than covert.



Yes, so "un-covert" that they manage to put many people away for long stretches at a time, as seen in the papers. Either the people they lock up are very very stupid people, or they're actually doing a difficult job quite well.


In all seriousness, it must be quite difficult to remain anonymous when they deal with their "clientele" so regularly. If drug dealers really want to know who they are, they wouldn't have to try too hard to find out in a samll place like the IOM, would they?

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Yes, so "un-covert" that they manage to put many people away for long stretches at a time, as seen in the papers. Either the people they lock up are very very stupid people, or they're actually doing a difficult job quite well.


In all seriousness, it must be quite difficult to remain anonymous when they deal with their "clientele" so regularly. If drug dealers really want to know who they are, they wouldn't have to try too hard to find out in a samll place like the IOM, would they?

That's the problem, isn't it. They're actually so successful that it makes it look as though the place is awash with drugs. So then you get someone, who probably couldn't tell an ecstasy tablet from an everton mint, saying "Well it must be true, mustn't it? You read about it in the papers every week. They're all taking them, aren't they?"

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In Mr Moyle's defence, his perspective is probably distorted by the fact that his days are spent listening to the problems caused by drug addiction/misuse.


Personally, I think the island's stance on drug use is garbage. Less punishment, more education, is what I'd like to see

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