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Hotel School Closes


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From Energy FM News, Can you believe what Mr Dossor is saying!


There are real fears about gaps in the island's catering market in the run up to TT following the news the International Hotel School has closed its doors.


A large number of the foreign pupils held down part-time jobs at cafés and restaurants here.


It was announced yesterday around 90 students will have to pack their bags after the company which owns the school went into financial difficulties.


Students have been told they've 26 days left to leave the Isle of Man.


Around 34% of McDonald's workforce are students at the school.


HR Manager, Andrew Dossor said the announcement's knocked them all for six.


Mr Dossor told Energy FM McDonald's is now faced with a crisis.


Bosses may have to consider taking on economic migrants from Eastern Europe to fill positions.


Another option is to raise prices, which would attract fewer customers and therefore economise on man-power.


What a complete Dossor!


sorry, did he get elected? :lol:

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Have to agree with sentiments expressed so far. Many of the students have become an integral part of Manx society and do not deserve to be treated as second class citizens. Everything possible should be done to support the victims of this shoddy mismanagement.


Trust some of our manx politicians to think about the TT before considering the human interest situation first, another pat on the back doofus !!

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There are real fears about gaps in the island's catering market in the run up to TT following the news the International Hotel School has closed its doors.


A large number of the foreign pupils held down part-time jobs at cafés and restaurants here.


It was announced yesterday around 90 students will have to pack their bags after the company which owns the school went into financial difficulties.


Students have been told they've 26 days left to leave the Isle of Man.


Around 34% of McDonald's workforce are students at the school.


HR Manager, Andrew Dossor said the announcement's knocked them all for six.


Mr Dossor told Energy FM McDonald's is now faced with a crisis.


Bosses may have to consider taking on economic migrants from Eastern Europe to fill positions.


Another option is to raise prices, which would attract fewer customers and therefore economise on man-power.


Oh my god what a disaster. Who are we going to get to do these low paid, unskilled jobs? How on earth are we going to cope over the TT period? We MUST have their VISA's extended to allow them to stay until new workers can be found or until at least after the TT period. Mr Cretney must act on this as soon as possible.


Lest we not waste time establishing why the Hotel School closed, what happened to the money nor with any consideration for the poor students, most of whom will probably have to find £££ to fly back home or to try and get into alternative courses.


This makes me sick to the stomach and regardless of whether they are IOM/UK citizens or from further afield, our first concern should be for them and not who is going to flip hamburgers for £5 an hour.

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I can't believe the selfishness currently being demonstrated over the loss of this school: and the number of people both in government and the hospitality sector - simply concerned only about the hospitality industry and the loss of cheap labour for the immediate future.


No mention of how these students will be helped - just best milked - before they are forcibly (if necessary) removed from the island after TT week - and probably replaced with additional cheap Eastern European labour.


There was one student I heard on Mandate that has paid £9000 and won't get her HND this year - which means most of the students will be in the same situation.


The government are acting disgracefully: With only a month or so to go before the end of the academic year, how difficult would it be to ensure that these qualifications can be verified through the examination board via the IOM college, in conjunction with teachers at the IOM college? - or even to ensure the IMS is put into administration for a month under the control of the Board of Education to ensure the school delivers the qualifications for this year - and ensures that it places next years students in either the IOM college or UK colleges. Whoever was responsible for monitoring/regulating this school needs to be sacked, if there was no requirement to regulate the school (which I can't believe) then someone needs to be asking why and putting forward a plan to ensure this never happens again.


If this happened to Manx students studying abroad, say, with the collapse of a similar school in another country, and Manx people were left in dire straits - wouldn't we expect that country to be doing something about it? What if a Manx parent couldn't afford to change a pre-booked summer flight home, and in the meantime their son or daughter was being forcibly repatriated to some adjacent mainland in the middle of nowhere?


IMO, we owe a duty of care to these people - who have put a lot into this economy and are an integral part of the economy.


With the government's current approach to this situation - I am ashamed to be Manx.

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The Government spent over a million to raise a fishing boat so there could be an inquest. So they could put their hands in our pocket and help these people out.


I'm not sure if it is requirement for getting in to the country on a student visa to have a return ticket on entry, but it would be pretty bad for some of these people if they don't have a ticket home.


I hope the Govt. can do something to help them.

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The Government has confirmed a committment to help the foreign students left adrift after the shock closure of the International Hotel School this week.


A meeting between affected parties has been held this morning and it's hoped that the students will be able to stay on the Island beyond the 28 days allowed by law - at least until after the TT festival!


Once again, it appears that a government minister is putting the TT Festival above everything else. Doesn't anyone in our government realise that we're talking about these people's lives - about their futures?

When an event assumes this degree of importance then, quite simply, it is totally out of proportion.

As Albert said, surely the IoM College could be induced to cover the shortfall in terms of academic verification - even if it means our regal masters having to find the money by putting one of their bizarre pet projects on hold for a little while.


At the last general election, I would have cast a vote for Cretney if I'd been in that constituency - and I did cast a proxy vote for Earnshaw in his - but, in a crisis that so deeply affects so many lives, if their minds are so small that all they can relate to is the success of a bmotor cycle racing event, then I'm afraid that neither of them deserve to be in the Keys.

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if their minds are so small that all they can relate to is the success of a bmotor cycle racing event, then I'm afraid that neither of them deserve to be in the Keys.

Agree with those sentiments.


However, it's even smaller minded than the success of the event itself. It's down to whether you get your McD's burger on time, or served in a Spar shop after 5pm. It so small minded of them I can't quite believe it.


They are scurrying at the feet of a few whining retailers who are worried about their profit margin. They rely on these students to work the crap hours for minimum wage (at least I hope!).


Anywhere else it would be tantamount to exploitation.

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if their minds are so small that all they can relate to is the success of a bmotor cycle racing event, then I'm afraid that neither of them deserve to be in the Keys.

Agree with those sentiments.


However, it's even smaller minded than the success of the event itself. It's down to whether you get your McD's burger on time, or served in a Spar shop after 5pm. It so small minded of them I can't quite believe it.


They are scurrying at the feet of a few whining retailers who are worried about their profit margin. They rely on these students to work the crap hours for minimum wage (at least I hope!).


Anywhere else it would be tantamount to exploitation.

...and racism - in my book.

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This is so sad for those involved. I hope that something is done for them all, they could actually teach most people in our retail and hospitality industries about customer service in any case!


As for those comments about a TT crisis, how selfish!! Who monitors educational establishments, there must be some responsibility to these people!

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I have my own very clear views on what I think about the whole situation, but not wishing to cause a major upset on the boards, I shall keep them to myself.


I would be very careful if I was the IOM Government, since they brought in the Human Rights doowhacky, might well be shooting themselves in the foot right now.

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They are scurrying at the feet of a few whining retailers who are worried about their profit margin. They rely on these students to work the crap hours for minimum wage (at least I hope!).


Its a shame but many businesses couldn't turn a profit without relying on this type of cheapo staff. You've made the assumption of minimum wage .. I'd be very interested to know whether that was the case across the board.

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Latest comment I heard on radio today:


'Its up to the students to try and find alternative college places or courses to enrol on, here or in the UK, over the next 28 days. If they can manage to do that then their visa applications will be assessed on a case by case basis.



How the fook are they meant to do that ????????? Limited funds, assumed limited access to necessary resources to undertake such a search, college contacts etc, no support from previous secondary school career advisors etc. Stress and worry about being homeless within a month looming large over their heads.


Defies belief it really does :angry:

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The Government spent over a million to raise a fishing boat so there could be an inquest. So they could put their hands in our pocket and help these people out.


I'm not sure if it is requirement for getting in to the country on a student visa to have a return ticket on entry, but it would be pretty bad for some of these people if they don't have a ticket home.


I hope the Govt. can do something to help them.



My thoughts exactly

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Memo to all members of Tynwald:


In this context;


Do not give any more mentions to TT Festival problems.

Do not give any more mentions to retail trade problems in finding 'suitable' replacements.

Do not try to shuffle off responsibility onto the students themselves.


Do sort the problem out - if only to pretend that you have a humanitarian conscience.

Do get off your lazy, fat, overweight arses and help these students!

Do something to help preserve the fragile reputation of our island.

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Wasn't there some comment a year or so ago that the school was acting as an easy route thro UK emigration ?

Though I guess all students need pocket money I'm somewhat surprised that a school in the catering trade hadn't organised proper work placements as part of its course - certainly this was the practice at my previous University which also ran a teaching restaurant to give practical experience of various front of house roles from 'fast' food thro to silver service. I understood that private colleges were supposed to be regularly inspected both for teaching and financial probity.

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