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Church Accused Of Abuse Cover-up


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Nothing new there, you might think. After all, its par for the course with celibate priests.... except.....


The Church of England has been accused of covering up child sex abuse carried out by a former choirmaster.

Peter Halliday, 61, from Farnborough, was jailed for two-and-a-half years after pleading guilty to sexual abuse of boys in Hampshire in the late 1980s.

BBC News has learned he admitted to the offences 17 years ago but left the Church quietly on condition he had no more contact with children.


Halliday continued to work with young boys, as a singer with the Royal School of Church Music, which said the child abuse was "entirely unconnected" with the school.

It was only when Halliday was charged last year with indecently assaulting children that he gave up his work with the school.



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May be controversial, but in this age of information and enlightenment, the whole religion and church thing does make you wonder.


A wee while ago I had a very deep conversation with the lad (7 at the time) about how the world was created and I explained the big bang theory and evolution as best I could to a 7 year old. But I felt very annoyed that I had to explain this to him, as I had presented him with a whole new set of factors to consider. I then had to explain to him about those that believe in religion and those that don't and that how neither could conclusively prove they were right, and people who hold certain views shouldn't be castigated for those views. It was all very exasperating because I was directly opposing what he had been taught in school (not a church school) and at the back of my mind was always that in his little head he is probably thinking 'well, if that is wrong, then so is how I should do my sums' etc.


Time to sideline religion in all areas, unless it is for those that decide to believe in all this mumbo jumbo. Then perhaps instances like this abhorrent man will not have the safety of a self-propogating myth to protect him.

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I went to Ashley Hill primary school in the 80s, and we were taught the bible as if it was fact. Our school assemblies consisted of saying the Lord's prayer, singing some hymns, and a talk from a vicar. Looking back, I assume the headmaster was deeply religious, but I still can't believe how the other teachers, and our parents let it happen.

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