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Another Batch Of Food Rumours


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I think that is all a real shame!! The IOM is unique (ish) in that it is not too bogged down with fast food joints etc - it will make strand street look just like every cloney high street in Britian - if not the world!


Strand58 and the Waterloo hardly help distinguish strand street as a unique and exciting place to be. There have been plenty of similar shite pubs for old men and chavmos up and down the UK for decades; the same old crap with a different name and served with a different accent doesn't contribute that much to the Island's uniqueness. All in all, no great loss.


I am proud of the fact that i grew up in a place that didnt offer such junk and I think it did me favours in that even now i am not a big fan of fast food etc.


We had fast food before McDonald's came to the Isand, Griddles to name just one such establishment, and it's not like they were even that different from similar places in the UK. Sure, they weren't part of a brand, but they were often imitative of brands and trends elsewere. From run down seaside cafés that wouldn't look out of place in Blackpool, to boring theme restaurants, just because they were owned by one person rather than a company didn't make them any more distinguished than the same stuff that could be found in high streets anywhere else.


Starbucks, why do you need another coffee place when you have that one in, is it Costa in the bookshop?


Because the level of demand is sufficient to support one?


Does anyone else think its a shame or are you all proper chuffed with these stores opening?


If the demand is there, and locals aren't opening up new and interesting places, it's hard to see how it could be regarded as a bad thing.

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KFC is the only way to go - you can see what you're getting and it *shock, horror* actually tastes nice!


More chains, more shite fast food. Dont pay them any more money, please god. A 'ground level' coffee shop would be nice. There's nowhere in strand street where you can sit and watch the world go by other than Dukes, and that's ruined by fag sucking chavs. Shame it's got to be a starbucks rather than something brill like Spill the Beans.

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Does anyone else think its a shame or are you all proper chuffed with these stores opening?


Hear hear. Wherever I am, I do my best to avoid thses type of places. I'd rather a small independent place any time over these chains / franchises

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KFC is the only way to go - you can see what you're getting and it *shock, horror* actually tastes nice!


More chains, more shite fast food. Dont pay them any more money, please god. A 'ground level' coffee shop would be nice. There's nowhere in strand street where you can sit and watch the world go by other than Dukes, and that's ruined by fag sucking chavs. Shame it's got to be a starbucks rather than something brill like Spill the Beans.


Spill the beans is good but is so poorly organised - anyone who has gone in there in the morning can testify. The girl on the till is really nice but boy, is it slow or what? If they got in a decent production line system (order, pay, move along and collect your drink) then it would work so much better. If someone comes over here and does it better then all I have to say is good on them.


I've sat in the morning and watched people walk into spill the beans and back out again as there was 5 people in the queue and everyone knows you'll be there for ten minutes.


I'm not for Starbucks, i'm just for better service and smarter service. If the owner of spill the beans doesn't want to be left out on the cold, ditch the table at the end of the counter, get a starbucks style ordering system and pick up the pace.


The isle of man really lacks quality service in many places, and as I said in the post re slug and lettuce, you can change it but if you don't fix whats wrong it's still going to be bad.

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KFC is the only way to go - you can see what you're getting and it *shock, horror* actually tastes nice!


More chains, more shite fast food. Dont pay them any more money, please god. A 'ground level' coffee shop would be nice. There's nowhere in strand street where you can sit and watch the world go by other than Dukes, and that's ruined by fag sucking chavs. Shame it's got to be a starbucks rather than something brill like Spill the Beans.


There's one in Duke Street near the Co-op. Fairtrade coffee and smoothies.


So basically there's at least 1 coffee shop/cafe in each street: Spill the Beans, The Caff in Lord St, the one in Duke St, Dukes, The Buttery, M&S, Costa and Tower House. Oh and the one where Tony's used to be in the Victoria Arcade.


Fuck off Starbucks.


Just remembered: it's called the Refinery. Nice proper butties as well.


I'm editing this again because I want this at the end:




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So basically there's at least 1 coffee shop/cafe in each street: Spill the Beans, The Caff in Lord St, the one in Duke St, Dukes, The Buttery, M&S, Costa and Tower House. Oh and the one where Tony's used to be in the Victoria Arcade.


Just remembered: it's called the Refinery. Nice proper butties as well.


I had lunch at the Refinery last Thursday - nice smoothie - yes - nice buttie - yes - terrible service - yes.


It's a shame but again, the service in many of the places you've named above falls short of what would be the norm in the UK.



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3. Starbucks at the waterloo, this one has a bit more weight to it I think...

Hope not. Starbucks coffee is shit.


Yes. But don't they normally have free wifi internet? Do any of the existing places have that?


It's not free i'm afraid, you have to pay for it.




Now, a coffee shop over here with free wifi would be great HOWEVER there are issues with this - for example, a person can go in and download illegal material (yes, horrific child porn of the likes) and the IP address of the wifi service would be captured - not the computer, leaving the persons providing the service open to prosecution.


There has been a marked withdrawal of 'free' internet services of late, and a move to a system whereby you need to register to use the free service, and provide credit/debit card details.


In the BA lounges, for example, you need to provide your boarding pass and then your given a ticket. The ticket ties up what you look at with your identity and so forth meaning that if you do look at something illegal, it's traceable.


Not that i'm saying anyone on the isle of man is that sick, but you never know.

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Filters set up on the wifi routers maybe?


Anthoo, i am looking forward to pizza hut, all you can eat buffets!


Yeah - but nothing is 100% effective so why take the risk?


But yes - the lunchtime buffet would go down a treat - £5.99 for pizza, pasta, salad and juice.


It was my daily main meal when I was a student lol!

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Now, a coffee shop over here with free wifi would be great HOWEVER there are issues with this - for example, a person can go in and download illegal material (yes, horrific child porn of the likes) and the IP address of the wifi service would be captured - not the computer, leaving the persons providing the service open to prosecution.

Java beans still do don't they? You buy a coffee and get a ticket with a code, (each coffee gives you half an hour access I think). The system's pretty easy to use, and it's certainly harder to do something illicit as you pretty much have to be in the cafe. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other coffee shops offer it free.


Free wifi is hardly a work in progress though, there's loads of hotspots around the island (think there's a thread on this forums with a list, do a search). What risks are associated with the service provider? What exactly would they be prosecuted with? As for civil filesharing suits - you often need more evidence than an IP for a home network, if it was an open access point then unless they find some evidence to show you were involved then it's a no-brainer.


Edit: Not sure, but do Java Beans also let you print too? I remember they were working on it when they started off.

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