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Guernsey To Discuss Severing Link With Uk


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If the Isle of Man ever does declare independence from The Crown the prediction that my old Mum made 45 plus years ago will come true.


Within seven years the only true Manx left on the Island will be those anchored by Money, Marriage, or Masturbation” .


I have no doubt she was absolutely correct.

...and I'd bet that when you were born - the midwife slapped your mum.

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If the Isle of Man ever does declare independence from The Crown the prediction that my old Mum made 45 plus years ago will come true.


Within seven years the only true Manx left on the Island will be those anchored by Money, Marriage, or Masturbation” .


I have no doubt that I have inherited her incredible ignorance..

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She was absolutely correct.


Full independence for the Isle of Man will NOT be in the best interest of the ‘legal decent honest’ real Manx – assuming there’s more than a few hundred left on the Island by now. For that matter for most ordinary people on the Island it would be a very bad move indeed.


It will benefit the rich Comeovers, it will benefit a couple of generations of the Manx who are presently doing very nicely, though the saying ‘clogs to clogs in three generations’ will certainly prove true, but ordinary people will not benefit at all.


Do people really think that the Island will be left to carry on as a refuge for dirty money and ‘offshore banking’ aka underhand tax dodging? Do they think it’s just the UK that’s turning the screw? Or that going it alone will stop the heat? It certainly won’t – if anything it will raise both the stakes and the temperature.


If the decision is taken to ask for independence from The Crown, and IF it is granted (and that’s a big ‘if’) pretty soon those that can leave would have to, those that could not would have to take the pain.

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Having lived here for a few years one of many mysteries is the relationship between the Isle of Man and the UK. I understand that the UK is responsible for defence, foreign affairs and the 'good governance' of the Island. It is this last bit which is intruiging.


How even handed is the dialogue between the Chief Secretary and the Department of Constitutional Affairs? The UK has passed a whole raft of prescriptive politically correct legislation since 1997. How much pressure is there from the UK to follow suit? For example, I recall Tony Brown, as speaker, making a comment to the effect that (in the case of health and safety) things had gone too far and a line needed to be draw in the sand to stop the Island becoming overburdened with red tape.


So, to find that an agreement has been reached to limit interference from the DCA is a real surprise. This is not a constitutional change so a public debate would have been innapropriate. It seems more the case that the Isle of Man wanted to stop pressure to introduce UK style legislation here.


Was this the case? Would anyone care to comment on this?

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Having lived here for a few years one of many mysteries is the relationship between the Isle of Man and the UK. I understand that the UK is responsible for defence, foreign affairs and the 'good governance' of the Island. It is this last bit which is intruiging.


The "good governance" bit is a joke.


I entered into a dialogue with the Department of Constitutional Affairs over certain shenanigans only to be informed by them that the governance of the IOM was a strictly the business of The Old Boy's Club the Tynwald and that they were unable do anything about it. My understanding is that there are things they can legally do but it sounds like they would rather not.

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Hmmm...how insightful Rog, but once again, it is impossible to understand what the fuck you are talking about.


It is self evident which of the three 'M's' that will prevent you from leavimg the Island.

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If the Isle of Man ever does declare independence from The Crown the prediction that my old Mum made 45 plus years ago will come true.


Within seven years the only true Manx left on the Island will be those anchored by Money, Marriage, or Masturbation” .


I have no doubt she was absolutely correct.



Well I'm divorced and penniless but proud to be Wanx

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It's exceptionally easy for me to escape the island Rog. I know I've kicked your arse on these forums a few times but you're not being coherent and getting all het up about it isn't going to help you make sense.


Try to relax

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But with his renewed interest in the Manx Forums, t'would seem he is still tied here by one of the three. Unfortunately, he has not fully left the IOM.


My ties with the Island are simply a friendship that I have with a couple of REAL Manx people.


I left the Island in the late 60's having the option of ‘horse trams in the Summer and dole in the Winter’ --- or try for something better.


I made the right choice. Not a choice that I wanted to make, one that I and many others have been forced to make.


If the Island really does go for full independence, and if it is allowed to have it, then that situation where people with one ounce of drive and who don’t fit in have no alternative other than up sticks from their home will come again.


The last time the economy driver went toes up the financial sector aka tax dodging provided an alternative source of wealth. If THAT goes, and it most certainly will as it is well on that path now, what will be left?


A morning boat --- or a life of procrastination.

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