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Mobi Phones - Money Back


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A bloody useless independant local phone shop has had a phone for months for repair. I'd be less upset if the phone they'd load me wasn't so utterly shite.


I've bleated hard, but haven't really got anywhere, out of their hands they say, it's all nokias fault. So I phone the OFT and they say I'm within my rights for a refund provided I contact them in writing etc. Smart, but it's a contract phone, the refund of the amount I paid isn't the value of the phone. Anyone been through this before and knows the score?

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Depends on all sorts


When did you buy it, how much did you pay and how much is contract free price


How soon did it go wrong.


How long has it been away


My suggestion is, if you only had it a couple of months before it went wrong, anf they have had it for several months to write to them demanding it back repaired and fully functional within 7 days. Tell them if not you will be rejectiong the 'phone under the Consumer Protection/ Sale of Goods legislation as unfit for purpose, it broke down and they cannot repair it within a reasonable time. Tell them that you will accept a replacement, either the current version of the same model or equivalent or money back in full and a new phone on contract within the 12 month period.


Those are your rights


However if you have had the phone a few months and it has broken down two or three time s and been repaired you are taken to have accepted it, lost your right of rejection and now all you can do is demand a loan handset which is of equivalent quality, ideally the same model.

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I went through the exact same thing with a phone shop based on Victoria Street, not Manx Telecom.


The phone they sold me was faulty - the alarm kept going off regardless of whether it was set to or not, calls would cut off from the phone for no reason and text messages would come through as just symbols and numbers.


Took it back to the shop, they sent it away and then it came back still with the faults.


I kept going back and they sent it away 3 times after the initial complaint, without it being fixed.


I was very angry as it wasn't a cheap phone and went to see them. They refused to do anything but send it away again so I stood in the shop, telling people who came in to enquire about buying phones / sorting out contracts exactly what was going on with my phone and the piss poor customer service I was receiving. After about 15 minutes I was given a brand new phone to replace my broken one. Might work to embaress them?

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Thanks all for the help and advice. It may be a coincidence but shortly after this post, I got a call from the shop saying they've managed to arrange a new phone.


Never underestimate the power of the bleat!

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