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British Troop Redeployment In Iraq.


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Let's put aside the for & against argument for a moment and concentrate on the coverage of this troop movement.


I believe that the media coverage of this new development has put our troops in serious danger. Last night on ITV news the media gave full details of the direction, timescale and even length of the convoy that the troops from the Black Watch would take. At the end of the piece they even had the audacity to say that the convoy would present a major target for Iraqi militant groups!


Do they think that the militant groups don't have access to the internet or satellite TV, surely all troop movements, especially major ones like this should be covered by the official secrets act or something like that?


The media will no doubt be the first to report such an attack on the convoy and be quick to blame the government. What has happened to the element of surprise?


Time to offer up a prayer for the brave boys and girls in that convoy and beyond.

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and putting aside the political argument for a while...the pinko liberal argument that they are going to a more dangerous place is somewhat of an oxymoron...they are at war..its bound to be dangerous...the problem is that war has become very sanitised (smart this, laser guided that) - hand to hand, street by street combat is suddenly outrageous.


Imagine if they had adopted that approach on the morning of the Normandy landings..."id rather stay in Dover coz its safer" wouldnt have gone down too well would it.


If it serves nothing else as to bring home to the masses just what the British have signed up for by jumping in to bed with Bush then some good should come of it.


Lets just hope they all come back safe and well....but dont be surprised if they dont.

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If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined.....


The preparations would be pretty much known about by the people on the ground anyway. It's difficult to disguise that a battle-group is moving so you might as well make the best of it. Any insurgents attacking the convoy will come under air attack pretty much instantly. They also know in Falluja that their day is coming.


Looks like a win/win to me.


The only downside is all those bleating on in the UK about the politics of it (there aren't any) how it is because it is nearing the US election (they know nothing about this deployment in the US) and how it puts our troop at risk - errr, they're soldiers aren't they?

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Yes, soldiers are always at risk but there are degrees of risk.

It is also demoralising when you're due to come home for Christmas only to be told, not only won't you be coming home, but you're being sent into deeper trouble.


I know Blair has promised they will be back for Xmas but war is anything but predictable.


I have spoken to families with sons in the Black Watch and they're pretty upset.


The other issue is that British soldiers use different tactics. They try to get locals on their side and tread carefully with a sensitive approach.

The US are gung ho and try to impose western values immediately.

The Black Watch will be picking up those pieces.

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Yes, soldiers are always at risk but there are degrees of risk.

It is also demoralising when you're due to come home for Christmas only to be told, not only won't you be coming home, but you're being sent into deeper trouble.


I know Blair has promised they will be back for Xmas but war is anything but predictable.


I have spoken to families with sons in the Black Watch and they're pretty upset.

I can't read the future and I don't know of anyone who can so I'll wait and see how it turns out. However I suspect that if British troops still need to be in that area come xmas then The Black Watch will probably be rotated.


Incidentally the greatest factor that influences the degree of risk is training. The next factor is morale so the best thing those at home can do is support them.

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Many of those against the war insisted they would support the troops anyway and I think that is the case here.


It's tough for everyone but I agree PK that talk of political pawns is pretty absurd and anti-Americanism is clouding people's judgment.


I have also heard the soldiers are up for it and just want to get the job done.

They deserve a glass or two of mulld wine when they return!

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"It's tough for everyone but I agree PK that talk of political pawns is pretty absurd and anti-Americanism is clouding people's judgment."


anti-Americanism?? I feel that as most of us were brought up on a diet of jingoistic American propaganda courtesy of Hollywood, That maybe our judgment is clouded…. But not in the way you describe.

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Like I said before the for & against argument does not come into this issue (for me at least), the troops are there and there to do a job. Waht I cannot believe though is that tactics and movements are being broadcast to the enemy, or to anyone outside those involved for that matter.


Of course such a large movement will quickly and easily be spotted but why give advance warning?


This is 'democracy' gone mad.

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I'm sure that if the army really wanted to keep it secret they would do.


The fact the Black Watch are providing back up means it is self evident where they are going.

It's also unlikely the media would be allowed to report anything tactically sensitive.


Having said that, if your worries turn out to be justified, someone has a serious amount to answer for.

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