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"this Curry Tastes Like S**t!"


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A disgruntled wife has admitted feeding her husband a curry containing dog excrement after their relationship broke down.


Depute Fiscal Margaret Dunnipace told the court that on 13 March, after placing the dinner in front of her husband Donald and watching him start to eat it, Martin had burst out laughing.


At first she claimed she had laced the dish with arsenic but then confessed she had added dog excrement instead.


The court heard that the couple had been married for 21 years but in recent years their relationship "had hit an all time low".


Mr Gallanagh claimed that his client had endured "continued mental abuse" over a period of about five years which had taken its toll on her.


And, just to pre-empt copycat; no, we don't know what colour it was, or what the bye-laws officer will do about it.

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Lonan, I never spotted this thread and can't believe it's not received one response. I was trawling down the International News because your thread on the swan seems to be stuck there, It makes me a little angry being reminded so here we go.

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