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Important Agreement Signed Withthe Uk


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Manx Radio Report


I heard on the news today that an importanmt agreament has been signed with the uk. Does anyone here actually know what the agreament actually says or is it too complex for us to understand? Maybe some don't actually want an agreament at all and I wonder who said they wanted whatever it is in the first place?


To me I didn't think it was needed because I remember one of the Government telling a celebrity fromthe UK (Vanessa Feltz I think it was) in a very Manx voice "We're the Isle of Man, we can do whatever we want"


So when you think about it there is no need for any further agreaments, whatever they are and whoever has been asking for it.

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As discussed in the Thread on Jersey or is it Guernsey in the international section


Its on the government web site:




Framework for developing the international identity of the Isle of Man

Following the statement of intent agreed on 11 January 2006, the Chief Minister of the Isle of Man and the UK Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs have agreed the following principles. They establish a framework for the development of the international identity of the Isle of Man. The framework is intended to clarify the constitutional relationship between the UK and the Isle of Man, which works well and within which methods are evolving to help achieve the mutual interests of both the UK and the Isle of Man.


The UK has no democratic accountability in and for the Isle of Man which is governed by its own democratically elected assembly. In the context of the UK’s responsibility for the Isle of Man’s international relations it is understood that -

The UK will not act internationally on behalf of the Isle of Man without prior consultation.

The UK recognises that the interests of the Isle of Man may differ from those of the UK, and the UK will seek to represent any differing interests when acting in an international capacity. This is particularly evident in respect of the relationship with the European Union where the UK interests can be expected to be those of an EU member state and the interests of the Isle of Man can be expected to reflect the fact that the UK’s membership of the EU only extends to the Isle of Man in certain circumstances as set out in Protocol 3 of the UK’s Treaty of Accession.

The Isle of Man has an international identity which is different from that of the UK.

The UK recognises that the Isle of Man is a long-standing, small democracy and supports the principle of the Isle of Man further developing its international identity.

The UK has a role to play in assisting the development of the Isle of Man’s international identity. The role is one of support not interference.

The Isle of Man and the UK commit themselves to open, effective and meaningful dialogue with each other on any issue that may come to affect the constitutional relationship.

International identity is developed effectively through meeting international standards and obligations which are important components of the Isle of Man’s international identity.

The UK will clearly identify its priorities for delivery of its international obligations and agreements so that these are understood, and can be taken into account, by the Isle of Man in developing its own position.

The activities of the UK in the international arena need to have regard to the Isle of Man’s international relations, policies and responsibilities.

The UK and the Isle of Man will work together to resolve or clarify any differences which may arise between their respective interests.

The Isle of Man and the UK will work jointly to promote the legitimate status of the Isle of Man as a responsible, stable and mature democracy with its own broad policy interests and which is willing to engage positively with the international community across a wide range of issues.


Signed on 1st May 2007 by:

The Rt Hon Lord Falconer of Thoroton QC, Secretary of State

Hon J A Brown MHK, Chief Minister

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As discussed in the Thread on Jersey or is it Guernsey in the international section


Sorry I didn't realise you had all talked about this before. I don't go in the International threads much because I used to but everyone kept shouting at me. I'll leave all that to the more intellectuley inclined maybe.


I still wonder who has been agreeing things behind my back though.


Eddited to add that at times I simply do not agrea that The Isle of Man is a responsible, stable and mature democracy. Not sometimes I dont anyway.

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I simply do not agrea that The Isle of Man is a responsible, stable and mature democracy.


That's as maybe. However, it's surely a darned sight more responsible, stable and mature than Tony Blair's Little Britain.

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