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[BBC News] Driver warned over TT fuel spills


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The biggest offender during the MGP last year was the 'express' bus to Ramsey. Two major spillages and witnessed doing it by marshalls prior to practice luckilly. The consequences for a competitor could have been very serious!

I never heard of any prosecution, despite the clear up costs etc!!

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The biggest offender during the MGP last year was the 'express' bus to Ramsey. Two major spillages and witnessed doing it by marshalls prior to practice luckilly. The consequences for a competitor could have been very serious!

I never heard of any prosecution, despite the clear up costs etc!!


We also reported the bus as they wanted to know who was doing it at the time, Didn't here any more about it.


Had a bit of diesel spray on our windscreen to, It smeared and took awhile to clean off!

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Forgive my ignorance but how does a bus manage to piss diesel all over the place?


I'm guessing a split in the top of the tank/a lose cap or something.



It was every sharp left turn it would piss out.

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Possibly overfilling?


Many of the buses and coaches spill copious amounts of diesel. Have a look at the tarmac in the bus park at CRHS on any damp school day, for example. I was told by someone at the Vehicle Testing Centre that if you report the registration of an offending vehicle they will have it called in for testing.


This is going on all the time and may have been responsible for countless crashes, possibly deaths, throughout the year and not just at TT.


It is not just a hazard to bikers and cyclists, and can cause any vehicle to skid dangerously.


Play "Spot the Spiller" by getting some "guilty" registrations reported. You could save lives.

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I have come off a bike on diesel ages ago. at Mt Bradda. I suspect that it was a bus spillage.

Luckilly, although it was painful and expensive, it wasn't too serious. It is very frightening though, there is nothing you can do to recover the situation and you are a passenger in the accident. And all this at about 20-25mph!!


It usually is overfilling I'm sure and the fuel leaks through the breather system or a poorly sealed filler cap.

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Why don't our lot follow this lead?


"Biker SafetySpiller KillerDiesel spills - let's cap them!



Diesel spills on Devon’s roads cause an unacceptable hazard to motorcyclists, and riders have asked us to help reduce the number of spills they have to deal with. Our survey of rider views, and our work with rider groups, has made it clear that motorcyclists feel that this is an unnecessary threat that needs to be addressed, and the anecdotal evidence is strong that riders can, and do, skid on diesel.



Diesel left on the highway by HGVs, buses, tractors and cars causes a slippery surface that is dangerous to all road users and potentially lethal to motorcyclists. Government statistics show that motorcyclists are twice as likely to suffer injuries from collisions as a result of diesels spills than as a result of skidding on snow and ice.


To help combat this problem, Devon County Council’s Road Safety Team have launched the Spiller Killer initiative – the aim of which will be to:


1.Raise the awareness of the problem, and the potential consequences and dangers to all road users.


2.Encourage the reporting of diesel spills so that the we can take quick remedial action.


3.Promote education at haulage companies, drivers, farmers, bus companies, petrol filling stations etc. about the problems caused by overfilling, poorly fitted fuel caps and poorly maintained vehicles - all of which can lead to diesel spillage.


This is not a problem for Devon alone. There is national recognition amongst rider groups that diesel spills are a very real issue and it’s in this context that we are trying to make progress on our own network. If we can cap this problem in Devon we’ll be making a real contribution to solving a national, as well as a local, threat to biker safety.


Clearly though we need your help to do it.


If you run a diesel vehicle don't overfill your tank and remember to replace your fuel cap properly - it's money down the drain and bikers on the tarmac if you don't.

Ensure your vehicle is well serviced. If you see a problem, get it fixed immediately before it causes problems to others.

As well as causing hazards on the road, diesel also corrodes the bitumen road surface causing longer term safety problems.

If you drop diesel on the highway you could be recharged with the cost of repairing the damage.

Early reporting is essential. The earlier they are reported, the sooner they can be dealt with.

If you are responsible for diesel vehicles in your work, or think that your fleet, safety or depot manager might be interested in helping to reduce wasteful and dangerous spillages, get in touch with us today.


How do you spot a diesel spill?


There are a number of characteristics that allow you to spot diesel spills on the road:


Diesel spills have a rainbow effect in wet conditions

Diesel has a distinctive smell

Diesel spills are slippery underfoot


How do you report diesel spills in Devon?


If you see a diesel spill report it to:


Devon County Council’s Control and Information Room on 01392 383329


Make sure you can give an accurate location of the spill. This information is crucial. Diesel spills should be reported if they are approximately the size of a manhole cover or larger. They are particularly hazardous on bends, junctions and roundabouts where motorcycles are manoeuvring.



Remember: If you’re using a mobile phone first find a safe place to stop before calling.



To help drivers remember the Spiller Killer message we have produced a number of items - posters, fuel cap stickers, leaflets and keyrings - all of which are available from the Road Safety Helpdesk. Telephone or Fax on 01392 446124 or email our biker safety mailbox at bikers@devon.gov.uk."



You can also download copies of the posters and leaflets from the website.

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