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Death Sentence


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The following letter was posted in the Manx press this week and deserves some support.


"On behalf of the International Coalition Against Stoning I must unhappily report that three more women face death by stoning.


In Marivan, Iran, a 14-year-old girl, known only as 'Zhila', who was raped by an immediate member of her family and gave birth to a child, was sentenced to death.


While this is the first threatened stoning for a while, Iranian religious courts have passed sentences on woman which led to executions as recently as August 23, when 16-year-old Ateqeh Sahaleh was publicly hanged. her 'official' crime was 'committing acts incompatible with chastity', but the judge admitted he passed the death sentence simply because he didn't approve of the accused's sharp tongue' Apparently, unable to hire a lawyer, in defending herself she had the temerity to suggest that he should punish the men who perpetrate adulterous acts, not their victims.


In Nigeria, two women, Hajar Ebrahimi and Daso Adamao, have been sentenced to death by stoning in the northern region of the country for having sexual relations outside marriage. Little more is known of the Nigerian cases, other than that sentence was passed in the last few weeks.


I urge readers to write to the Iranian and Nigerian authorities to stop this outrage at once.


The Iranian Embassy in the UK is at


16 Prince's Gate,




or if you prefer a more direct approach ,


President Mohamad Khatami's personal e-mail address is



In Nigeria, the address for President Ousegun Obasanjo is


The Presidency,

Federal Secretariat,

Sehu Shagari Way,




or e-mail him at this address




I hope that together, as Manx people, we can play some part in stopping such barbarity.


Stuart Hartill

1 The Sycamores,

Walpole Road,


IM8 1LU"


Well done Mr Hartill.

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I read the letter in the newspaper, it's dreadful to think that such inhumane acts still take place in some countries, but it's good to see that people care enough about humanity to try and do something about it.


I know it's a very serious topic but I have to admit after I read the letter I started to think and chuckle to myself about the stoning scenes in The Life of Brian.

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"In Nigeria, two women, Hajar Ebrahimi and Daso Adamao, have been sentenced to death by stoning in the northern region of the country for having sexual relations outside marriage"


if that was brought over here, it would keep the cheating bitches on a leash

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