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Christian Aid Week

Charles Flynn

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Christian Aid Week runs from the Sunday 13th to Saturday May 19th.


This year funds will go to support a project in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.


A Christian Aid partner called Vetrimed aims to increase dairy production through improved feeds and dairy care; and to transform milk into other products like yogurt and sterilised milk and then market them throughout Haiti to boost family incomes.


It is hoped that each £ raised will be matched £ for £ by Tynwald's Overseas Aid Committee.


Please feel free to publicise CA Week using the attached poster.


Phil Craine, IOM Co-Ordinator for Christian Aid, will be speaking at All Saints Church, Alexander Drive, Douglas on Sunday 6th May at 10.00 a.m. during the Family Service. All are welcome.


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I have to be honest and say that the word 'Christian' in the charity's title is a complete turn-off for me. I will happily donate to such as 'comic Relief,' 'Oxfam,' 'Red Cross' etc., but once a religious motif is attached I really don't want to know.

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Some people support other humanitarian charities and their wishes are respected.


Currently Christian Aid is working on campaigns in partnership with other charities for Trade Justice, a Darfur Emergency Appeal, HIV/AIDS, Climate Change and many others throughout the World.

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Christian Aid is one of the few religion-based charities that I support. Their strapline 'We believe in life before death' sums it up for me. I also know (having worked in that arena for many years) that they are very effective in delivering sustainable aid in developing coutnries.

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Christian Aid is one of the few religion-based charities that I support. Their strapline 'We believe in life before death' sums it up for me. I also know (having worked in that arena for many years) that they are very effective in delivering sustainable aid in developing coutnries.


Christian Aid funds projects that help people regardless of their beliefs. Some of the work they fund is done through local Christian organisations, but it is for the benefit of all.

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when is Muslim Aid week? or Jewish Aid week or Hindi Aid week or Pagan Aid week or MF Aid week? - unreal that a particular faith group should hijack the calender with the "give us something now we desperatley need it" routine

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Christian Aid has over 50 years experience of charitable work. Other charities also have their own space in the year to collect funds. All work in a positive spirit of co-operation. All depend on public support which on the island is very generous.


The need is indeed desperate for those who live on 50p per day, with no prospects apart from starvation, no clean water, war and oppression.


The luxuries we take for granted are unknown to them.

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when is Muslim Aid week? or Jewish Aid week or Hindi Aid week or Pagan Aid week or MF Aid week? - unreal that a particular faith group should hijack the calender with the "give us something now we desperatley need it" routine

I would be happy to support Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh or other initiatives. However, Christian Aid week is a well established initiative to fight the impacts of world poverty from a country where the Christian faith is influential as well as other faiths - and non-faith movements.


Specifically, Christianity is a well established faith on the island with deep historical roots.


The Manx economy has benefited hugely from globalisation over recent decades - and its continued success will depend upon continuing acceptance of the contribution of offshore financial centres...


whilst at the same time accelerating the momentum to fight world poverty so that everybody benefits from globalisation.


Christian Aid week is an invaluable intiative for mobilising voluntary support for this.


If the Manx people are seen to get behind this voluntary effort to fight world poverty - and the Manx government to also show its willingness to meet international standards on development assistance, then its more likely that the international community will be supportive of the island's current offshore policies (at a time when the OECD is asking critical questions).


And then there is the moral argument in support of fighting world poverty...


The notion that promoting voluntary initiatives like Christian Aid week (or a Muslim version for that matter) is about some group wanting to "hijack the calender with the 'give us something we desperately need routine'' is both cynical and, for the Manx economy, self-defeating...

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