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The Truth Is Finally Ot There?


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If the truth really is out there, then Britain's growing army of UFO hunters hope that Capt Bower's report and thousands of other sightings of cigar-shaped objects and strange flashing lights will eventually prove it.

Bombarded by requests to see the evidence, the Ministry of Defence is to release Britain's official documents of UFO sightings, so the public can judge for themselves whether we are being visited by alien life forms.

A spokeswoman for the MoD said: "We are receiving a lot of requests at the moment to see this information so we have decided to put the reports on our website. But to give this some sort of context we have only ever been interested in reports that have a defence perspective."

The decision will be a blow to Britain's conspiracy industry which has found the MoD's secrecy over UFO sightings compelling evidence of a cover-up. It was only recently that the MoD acknowledged that a government UFO unit, known as S4F (Air) or DI55, even existed.


Narurally, though, this won't be enough to satisfy the conspiracy freaks and if they really want to be kept busy on this for a while they'll need to visit THIS MoD LINK


(paging tamelf and stevie!)

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The MoD/UFO conspiracy is one of my all time favourite favourite conspiracy theories. Aliens, of course, are the most reasonable explanation why Defence reports into unidentified objects in our airspace at the height of the Cold War would be confidential.


The best kind of this theory that I've heard are the ones where fighter jets take down a UFO (Aliens are apparently forever getting blapsed up by Israeli pilots). These aliens can build super zippy spaceships, but can't take on the air force - a convincing argument that aliens suck greasy pensioner nads and should be conquered.

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My mate showed me a phone number in his little organiser thing years ago and told me it was the 'secret phone number for reporting 'official' UFO sightings to the government'. Somehow I suspect it may not have been.....

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