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Restoring Virginity


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Since you ask --- apart from eliminating the opportunity for the build up and subsequent decomposition of smegma (aka foreskin cheese) there was good published epidemiological evidence that circumcision helped in the prevention of penile cancer*, syphilis, non-specific infections by mould or bacteria as a result of inadequate cleansing, and an over tight foreskin that results in painful intercourse as well as precluding proper cleaning. It also was known to significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting thrush.


Thanks, now I know you're just full of shit. You've made a ridiculous statement, been called on it by several members of the forum so you bring your 'old mum' into the discussion once again and then use the power of the internet to explain us that your 'old mum', a woman of somewhat limited intelligence from what I can gather, was in posssession of these facts and took the decision to have you circumcised. Rubbish.


You've also completely ignored the fact that regardless of any medical benefit, you would have been circumcised anyway because of your religion. It's an argument that's much like you, redundant.

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Also, I grow weary of every discussion you join in descending into you using this place as a platform for your homophobic views. Save your trolling for the threads where it's relevant.

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Also, I grow weary of every discussion you join in descending into you using this place as a platform for your homophobic views. Save your trolling for the threads where it's relevant.


Precisely what has bi-sexuality got to do with homosexuality?


A homosexual person has a sexual preference for a person of the same sex. Homo - same.


A bi-sexual person is a person to whom any hole's a goal.


One is a same sex preference. A thing that is now (rightly) no longer illegal for men or women. A legitimate sexuality.


The other is not. It is simply hedonistic gratification incarnate.


Ergo I do not condemn homosexuality and so I am not displaying homophobia. It is not a thing that ‘floats my boat’ but at the same time it is not a thing that I condemn.


As for your silly and unfounded and insulting remarks about circumcision and about the opinions and views of my family – from what I know about YOUR family (and believe me Mr. M, I do) you are in no position to be offensive about anyone.

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As for your silly and unfounded and insulting remarks about circumcision and about the opinions and views of my family – from what I know about YOUR family (and believe me Mr. M, I do) you are in no position to be offensive about anyone.


Nice to see I can still rattle your cage. You're all bullshit and bluster sadly and even if I challenged you to reveal these deep dark secrets my family has (lol), you'd make up some excuse, no doubt based on something your 'old mum' told you, as to why you couldn't do that.


Rog, you've turned into a complete paraody of yourself to such an extent where the line between your cartoon forum personality and your real life personality are starting to become blurred. I think you need to step away from the keyboard.

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Since you ask --- apart from eliminating the opportunity for the build up and subsequent decomposition of smegma (aka foreskin cheese) there was good published epidemiological evidence that circumcision helped in the prevention of penile cancer*, syphilis, non-specific infections by mould or bacteria as a result of inadequate cleansing, and an over tight foreskin that results in painful intercourse as well as precluding proper cleaning. It also was known to significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting thrush.


(* - in this case where cancer can be caused by the presence of certain virus)

Location is also an important factor that has probably helped you avoid all this contagion Rog. Most women won't go near a bloke who clearly has his dick located on his forehead.

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A homosexual person has a sexual preference for a person of the same sex. Homo - same.

Latin homō - man (King Bill's education? Useless!)


Wrong. In Latin 'homo' means the same hence homogeneous meaning all the same, homo sapien, wise man. The word derives (as far as I can recall) from the Latin for earth, a common thing.


Not such a useless education after all eh?


Now I'm off to do a spot of fishing. There's word of a school of tuna hanging around between here and La Gomera and I've got a free day so I'm off to get some in!


Nothing like fresh 'chicken of the sea' the way Clair does it on the barbeque.

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Wrong. In Latin 'homo' means the same hence homogeneous meaning all the same, homo sapien, wise man. The word derives (as far as I can recall) from the Latin for earth, a common thing.


No it doesn't: In greek it means the same (the "homo" in homosexual is of greek derivation, the word itself is a mashed up attempt to mimic the language of scientific taxonomy), in Latin it means "man" (as in homicide). The classification of humans uses the latin termonology. Sit in the corner and write fifty lines.

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@ Minxie and Rog


As VinnieK has pointed out homo is both a latin and a greek word.


Latin - Homo = man. As in Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus etc


Greek - Homo = Same. As in homogeneous and homonym etc.


Homosexual = same sex - derived from the Greek.

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@ Minxie and Rog


As VinnieK has pointed out homo is both a latin and a greek word.


Latin - Homo = man. As in Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus etc


Greek - Homo = Same. As in homogeneous and homonym etc.


Homosexual = same sex - derived from the Greek.


Those Greeks, eh? They do nice fried cheese though.

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