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A homosexual person has a sexual preference for a person of the same sex. Homo - same.

Latin homÅ - man (King Bill's education? Useless!)


Wrong. In Latin 'homo' means the same hence homogeneous meaning all the same, homo sapien, wise man. The word derives (as far as I can recall) from the Latin for earth, a common thing.


Not such a useless education after all eh?


Now I'm off to do a spot of fishing. There's word of a school of tuna hanging around between here and La Gomera and I've got a free day so I'm off to get some in!


Nothing like fresh 'chicken of the sea' the way Clair does it on the barbeque.


Actually from what I was told, by a classics teacher (one of the few Latin teachers left around) The Latin word Homo is Man, but the Greek word Homo means the same.


However having read further into the thread I see everyone else has pointed this out too - to no avail....

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Yes, he is Grant, but despite endless searches on Fawlty Towers websites no help with the name. There was one which specifically mentioned her and asked if anyone could remember her name!

Have you looked at IMDb for more details of her work?

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Hi Minxie, it's not pat coombes, we don't know this womens name, that's the problem.


"Sir Richard and Lady Morris from Epsiode 1 of Fawlty Towers?" we reckon it's who played Lady Morris, but know no more.

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If you are sure it is Fawlty Towers - Lady Morris (in a touch of class) was a bit part that went uncredited. I don't think this actress was famous (except for being in FT of course!).


Do you mean the mother (Mrs Lloyd) in 'Fawlty Towers - the wedding'? Her name is Diana King. Diana King was a British comedy veteran (1916-1986). She also played Mrs Peacock in 'Are you being served' and was in a host of other films, TV series and radio programmes.






Another vague possibility is "Betty Huntley-Wright". She played the small woman (Mrs Twitchen) in 'Gourmet Night'. She was a very small woman with a hooked nose.

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