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For Sale: 1981 Ford Transit Campervan / Camper / Motorhome


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Hello Dream Kerry friend my name is Mr. John from Nigeria, and I am in a dilemma. I am escaping the government as king of Nigeria and my sister has much money ($500,000,000) kept in her account as a resue package. If you let me buy your motorhome I can transfer the $500,000,000 to your account and then you can forward the balance to me. For your troubles I will pay an extra $10,000,000 to your account and one goat.


I am much looking forward to you have visit in my motorhome as saviour of my country. You will be a pround man with many goat.


Please provide your bank details so I can make your payment to your bank.


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I thank you friend





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Setting up a new email address to stop spam is a good idea but not so sure about putting your mobile number on a public forum......(unless you bought a new SIM card for the sole purpose of sellng the camper van) :rolleyes:


Good luck with the sale tho'

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oops! With TT and guests I forgot to check this thread.


I have posted pictures in a flickr (yahoo) photo album:


Link now dead as camper sold.


Please email me if you would prefer the photos to be sent to your email address or if you would like to come and have a look at her.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

What sort of insurance group do these things run to?


Me and Mrs Chopsticks would love to have a campervan but have been repeatedly scared off by the amazingly high prices they tend to command, this is probably the first one we've seen that's even remotely fallen into our price range. £5 a year tax is very tempting of course, but if it's going to cost us a fortune to insure off-island then that's a big spanner in the works, and it's not easy to get a quote from the usual online car insurance sites because I have no idea what I'm asking them to quote me on :)


Also, how fast does it go and what's the fuel economy like? My granddad (who was a very keep carpenter), bought himself an old BMC gold bullion wagon, had the back ripped off, and had an aluminium shell put in its place, which he then proceeded to build an (amazingly good) custom campervan into. Problem was, whilst the back end was all super modern and space-age (for the time), it was still having to be pulled along by an ancient three litre diesel engine that managed about 18mpg and had a top speed of 45mph.


I realise this Transit campervan won't be out-dragging Ferraris or competing with a Prius on fuel, but it'd be nice to be able to hit 60mph+ on motorways and not be lashing out a fortune in petrol.

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