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The Un Taking Careful Aim...


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Western countries are concerned about the expected appointment of Zimbabwe to head a key UN body, the Commission on Sustainable Development.

Western diplomats said Zimbabwe, which is in the midst of an economic and political crisis, was hardly a good example of development.

The position traditionally rotates through the regions of the world, with Africa next in line.

Zimbabwe's candidacy is reported to have broad support within Africa.


Zimbabwe is enduring the world's highest inflation, at more than 2000%, mass unemployment, and there are widespread accusations of civil rights abuses.

On Wednesday it was announced that households in Zimbabwe were to be limited to four hours' electricity a day, between 1700 and 2100 local time.


Anything - absolutely anything - that serves to legitimise that disgusting regime ought to be anathema to any civilized person. It is one of the few countries in the world where outside intervention in its affairs would probably be justified on humanitarian grounds and yet the UN, in its wisdom, is possibly going to allow it to become a world authority on 'sustainable development!'

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It's a complete joke. Zimbabwe used to supply grain to a lot of it's neighbours, now it can't feed itself properly.


I wouldn't call that sustainable!


The UN seems to be getting less effective as the years go by. Darfur being another case where it could and should have intervened a few years back but did nothing.

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Conside this. All those who bang on and on to wrist-slashing proportions about international intervention in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Kosovo, Lebanon etc etc are putting back intervention in places like Zimbabwe.


I just thought you'd like to know that.....

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Of course Zimbabwe shouldn't be trusted to arrange a piss-up in a brewery, let alone an important UN body.


Leave it to those who have a bit more idea about what they're doing... like a blindfolded donkey, a beggar at an orgy... let's face it, even the yanks look a pretty palatable alternative in this situation!

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