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Bye Bye Blair


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People have short memories. Can you not remember the UK under the Tories? Aside from Iraq - which I think Blair signed up to for the right reasons but was poorly executed due to the Americans running the show - I think Blair and his Govt have done a fairly good job over the past 10 years. Then again after Thatcher and Major it would be difficult to do any worse....

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Ah, I forgot, it's only Guardian readers' opinions that count for anything

Is it really? Oh good, I read The Grauniad you see. Thanks for that. Cheers :)

I used to read it - until the factual errors began to outnumber the spelling ones.

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Which you no doubt checked against The Daily Mail for accuracy?

I prefer an Independent source!


Albert Tatlock Posted Today, 11:47 AM


I heard she is not being given that title and will be 'Labour Party chairwoman'.


Not very PC! I think its much more likely to be Chairperson. (You older folk really must try harder to keep up, you know!)

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People have short memories. Can you not remember the UK under the Tories? Aside from Iraq - which I think Blair signed up to for the right reasons but was poorly executed due to the Americans running the show - I think Blair and his Govt have done a fairly good job over the past 10 years. Then again after Thatcher and Major it would be difficult to do any worse....


Personally, I think Blair pretty much carried on where Thatcher left off. He was the most right wing lefty that ever existed. Making the Bank of England independant but offering them advice was a blinder. The government could no longer be blamed for interest rates but could still control them. Brown talks of this strong economy, and it is strong, but it is supported by the people's debt! And, don't get me started on tax rises!


However, Blair is a canny bloke. He is getting out at the right time, and Brown is going in. Now we will see the labour rot start. Give it two years and those current blair supporters will be begging and crying out for Cameron (or whomever) to put the house back in order.


Watch and see!!!

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Which you no doubt checked against The Daily Mail for accuracy?

I prefer an Independent source!


Albert Tatlock Posted Today, 11:47 AM


I heard she is not being given that title and will be 'Labour Party chairwoman'.


Not very PC! I think its much more likely to be Chairperson. (You older folk really must try harder to keep up, you know!)

Chairwoman according to the beeb. She's only 4ft 10in high - so anything involving a chair is probably the best post for her.

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Which you no doubt checked against The Daily Mail for accuracy?


Harriet Harman is now Deputy Labour Leader. Does that automatically make her Deputy PM?


From what I read Brown's going to dispense with the position.


It's kind of a hit and miss thing. Thatcher, and Major didn't always have one. Eden, Home, Heath, Wilson, and Callaghan never had one. MacMillan only briefly.


Churchill's post-war cabinet had Eden as PM, Attlee had one throughout his time, prior to that Attlee (as Labour Leader) was the first Deputy PM in Churchill's wartime coalition government.


The post has no constitutional role, and if say the PM was to die no guarentee that the Queen would appoint the deputy to the job. As an example I think she'd have appointed Brown had Blair been assassinated certainly since the last election and probably before that.

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People have short memories. Can you not remember the UK under the Tories? Aside from Iraq - which I think Blair signed up to for the right reasons but was poorly executed due to the Americans running the show - I think Blair and his Govt have done a fairly good job over the past 10 years. Then again after Thatcher and Major it would be difficult to do any worse....



I am old enough to remember the governments of Wilson, Heath, Wilson (again), Callaghan, Thatcher, Major and latterly the Blair-Bush alliance.


Any of the wonderful achievments of the last ten years of Blair pale into insignificance when measured aginst the catastrophic failure of the Iraq war.


That power mad god-bothering twat jumped into bed with the corrupt regime of Bush and helped in the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.


All of this was against the wishes of the British public, it has made the world a much more dangerous place and forever saddled us with the status of America's poodle.


I stand by what I said: Blood on your hands Blair

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So he's off to be a mediator in the Middle East?


Isn't that a bit like Myra Hindley giving advice on childcare, or Albert Spiers being a gas consultant?


Has the man no shame and have those that have appointed him to this position absolultely no idea of how potentially divisive, not to say inflammatory, it will be to certain factions seeing him turn up at a mediation?


The world has gone mad, I tell thee!

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